Osprey freed from tangled mess

A group effort

A juvenile osprey was recently entangled in in fishing line that was scavenged and brought to its nest — Located on Port of Grays Harbor property off Paulson Road — by a parent osprey. Local osprey nest-watcher Albert Watters identified and reported the entanglement to Dan Varland of Coastal Raptors, who organized a rescue effort to free the nest-bound bird. Adam Hoxit of Willis Enterprises and Dave Murnen, of Coastal Raptors, using a man-lift — provided by Willis Enterprises to gain access to the nest — cut away and removed the entanglement. The bird is now free to fledge.

Photos by Dave Murnen

Adam Hoxit of Willis Enterprises holds up the fishing line in which the juvenile osprey was tangled. (Photos by Dave Murnen)

Adam Hoxit of Willis Enterprises holds up the fishing line in which the juvenile osprey was tangled. (Photos by Dave Murnen)