Early April finds the sports fisherman in a state of wrap-up and new beginnings. It is a transitional period in many ways.
On the wrap-up side of things, the previous season has concluded and there are matters to take care of. The first in that regard would be to return catch record cards. These cards provide the Department of Fish and Wildlife with valuable information about the catch of sturgeon, steelhead, salmon, halibut and Puget Sound Dungeness crab. Catch record cards must be returned by April 30 even if nothing is caught or you did not fish.
There is a monetary penalty for failure to comply to this rule. This applies more specifically for Dungeness crab and will result in a $10 administrative fee which is charged to your next crab endorsement purchase.
The CRC may be reported online, returned to a regional office or mailed to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, WDFW CRC unit P.O. Box 43142, Olympia, 98504-3142. More information about this matter is given in the WDFW Sports Regulations.
Another wrap-up issue is the conclusion of steelhead fishing or any game fishing for that matter in our region this month. This applies mostly to the remaining open rivers northward. The Clearwater, the Hoh and the Chehalis rivers all close on the April 15, which is next weekend.
The Bogachiel River and the Quillayute River both close on April 30. Of course, there are many restrictions. such as no internal combustion motors bait prohibited, barbless hooks only and selective gear rules. If anyone is going to fish these rivers, it is a real good idea to have these details figured out before venturing out.
The final wrap-up is to take care of equipment. This means everything from boats to cleaning out the fishing vest. This transitional time can serve the angler well by providing opportunities of preparation for a new season.
Speaking of a new season, everyone will need to take care of business and acquire a new fishing license. This is the news relative to new beginnings.
Because there are so many different license options, anglers will need to project their activity to realize the best price. However, add on features can be applied at later dates. Nevertheless, to do any kind of fishing-related activity, folks are going to need a license.
Clam digging is expected to be available later this month. Mocrocks and Twin Harbors are the local beaches featured while Long Beach will give a third option. Ultimately, the Fish & Wildlife department will confirm these digs a week or so prior to the event scheduled.
Currently, many juvenile lake fisheries have or will occur. These events give kids a jump start on lake fishing. Everyone else needs to hold off and wait until the statewide lake opening which will occur on April 28 this year.
So, we are in that in-between stage. It gives anglers the time to regroup and get ready for the next big event.