Aberdeen businesses with 20 or fewer employees and that suffered losses from COVID-19 shutdowns can apply for small business grants of up to $10,000 with the City of Aberdeen.
Business grants are an allowable expenditure of federal CARES Act funds. Aberdeen can get a little more than $500,000 in reimbursable funds through the federal COVID-19 relief act and will use up to $200,000 for small business grants.
The grant application period runs through Friday, June 26, said Community Development Director Lisa Scott. The application and the full list of eligibility requirements can be found online at www.aberdeenwa.gov/154/Community-Development.
To qualify, a business must have a current city business license for at least a year prior to March 1 and be in good standing with fees owed to the city (taxes, license fees, utilities, etc.). The business must be able to demonstrate a loss of income due to COVID-19, as well as provide documentation the business was profitable prior to the pandemic.
Businesses that are ineligible for Aberdeen funding include those that have received or are eligible for insurance reimbursements for losses during the pandemic, as well as businesses that are owned by elected officials or employees of the City of Aberdeen. Businesses owned by family members of elected officials and “some City of Aberdeen employees” are also ineligible for these grants.
Eligible businesses with 20 or fewer employees can apply, but the city will give priority to those with 10 or fewer employees.
Grant funds can be used to pay rent or required monthly business loan payments, wages, taxes and benefits for employees, normal operating costs and expenses, and normal draw or wages on a weekly or monthly basis to the owner.