Willapa Valley levy to be topic of Sept. 27 school board meeting

Willapa Valley School District Superintendent Nancy Morris is inviting community members to attend the Sept. 27 school board meeting to hear about the district’s educational programs and operations levy coming to the Nov. 2 general election ballot.

Calvin Brodie, Deputy Superintendent of Capital Region Educational Service District 113, will be the guest speaker, discussing the $544,125 levy. This will be the fourth time the district has asked voters to approve the levy, which calculates to approximately $1.52 per $1,000 of assessed value on district property tax bills. The previous levy expired in 2020.

Brodie will address the current financial condition of the school district; the total revenue impact of a loss in levy, including loss of levy equalization funds and forest dollars if the levy does not pass; a local levy overview; and possible state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction-imposed binding conditions if the district is unable to establish a positive fund balance.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Willapa Valley High School Commons and will be available on Zoom for online viewing. If attending in-person, masks are required. The Zoom link is available on the district’s website, willapavalley.org.

— The Daily World