For some time now I have wondered what is going on in the minds of local government officials when it comes to spending money. We are being offered the “two final choices” for the Gateway Center in terms of design. There is another choice: How about NOT?
When the local transit mall was “remodeled” it was one of the newest structures in the area. Yet, it was torn down and “started over.” Then, they put the “bulb-outs” along Highway 101 through Cosmopolis which now appear to be full of purple “weeds.” Then there was the local “artwork” placed around Aberdeen.
There are far better things to spend our money on, in the interest of our cities and tourism. There is not a rest area in the westbound lanes from Tacoma to Ocean Shores. How about it state legislators? Many local businesses have “Restrooms for Customers Only” signs on their doors. Yeah, there’s a friendly welcome! If I am not a customer today, I may be one tomorrow, or maybe I’ve been one in the past, but I can tell you what I won’t be if I need to use the facilities and I see a sign like that — a future customer.
What about people with medical conditions that require using the facilities? I guess they can just stay home. The whole atmosphere is an unwelcoming one.
South Aberdeen has its stormwater drained with open, stinking ditches that are nothing but a safety and health hazard. Kids in South Aberdeen are walking home from school in the middle of the streets because there are no sidewalks. The roads locally are so rough you can barely drive on them, Highway 101 to Raymond is barely passable. Yet, the powers that be want to spend $8 million on a fancy building for services that are being replicated elsewhere. On-line services such as Trip Advisor, the already existing Chamber of Commerce, Expedia, Kayak, Priceline already offer the services and information that would be available at the Gateway Center.
I think it’s time for our state and local governments to wake up. There are needs in this area that are serious and long overdue to be met. I would imagine just about anyone in Grays Harbor could think of better ways to spend our money.
I wonder, for $8 million would the Gateway Center even offer public restrooms?
Everett E. Baldwin