Fishing for winter steelhead is the name of the game these days. We have finally gotten a break in the frigid weather and at least the outings are more friendly on the body.
Mid-February is still a good time to connect with hatchery steelhead. It is also a time when anglers can expect to hook a wild fish as well. These, of course, need to be released.
When it comes to fishing in this time frame, there are a few things to consider. First of all, there are fish that can be legally retained. Hatchery steelhead are definitely occupying the rivers. They are being found in the entire stretch of hosting rivers. That brings us to the next point. It would help to have a floating device such as a drift boat to cover more water in a day’s outing.
Whether the fisher owns a boat or whether one is borrowed or even if a friend provides one, or finally, if you pay for guide service, these scenarios get you, the angler, in a position of covering a lot of river water in the most efficient manner. This approach is going to be the best, since these steelhead will definably be scattered throughout the entire river during this time in the season. A drift boat isn’t the only means of covering water. A jet sled has its benefits as well.
Next, if any of these boating options become a reality, it is an excellent opportunity to be with someone else. Sometimes it is another angler, maybe a non-fisher or even a student of the sport. Whatever the situation, it is an ideal opportunity to spend quality time with someone who shares your interest.
When it comes to the subject of drift boats, there are many opinions on this topic. Some people want the newest and best with all the options. Others are content to find a used boat properly fitted and ready to go. There are many used boats available at a fairly decent price.
There are pros and cons with these boats. Aluminum boats are very durable but can be both cold and noisy. Fiberglass boats are quieter but can be heavier. Wooden boats will be both quiet and light, but they lack the durability of other boats. They do require a higher level of maintenance as well. As we approach the end of the season, we can expect to see more and more boats come for sale. A good deal can be struck if someone is in the market.
In all the years that I have fished for steelhead during the winter months, I have witnessed many approaches to the sport. There are those who would only resort to selecting a promising hole and work that stretch of river.
There is something to be said about observing an angler standing in a river either drift fishing or presenting a fly with a fly rod. Others are content to be huddled in a fishing shack with a warm fire watching the tip of their pole while they “plunk” and anticipate a passing fish to take the bait.
There are many ways to get this job done. Time is still on the side of the angler this month.