
Quantum Attraction Code Reviewed – Complete Third Eye Activation Overview

Quantum Attraction Code is a manifestation program available at 85% off its ordinary retail price as part of a 2024 promotion.

Available exclusively online, Quantum Attraction Code aims to provide “massive results” as soon as the very first day using a package of digital products – including special soundwaves and audio files developed in partnership with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter.

Is Quantum Attraction Code legit? How does the Quantum Attraction Code work? Please keep reading our review to learn everything you need to know about Quantum Attraction Code today.

What is the Quantum Attraction Code?

Quantum Attraction Code is a package of digital audio files and guides designed to help you attract abundance to yourself.

By downloading Quantum Attraction Code online today, you get instant access to four core audio files to help target abundance, happiness, health, and wealth in multiple ways, including:

  • Quantum Attraction Code
  • Instant Calm Code
  • Sleep on Command
  • Confidence Titan

The core Quantum Attraction Code program uses soundwaves to manifest abundance, using the power of quantum science. That science was inspired by the work of Albert Einstein, who purportedly believed in the power of manifestation.

To use the program, listen to the audio files for 10 minutes daily. The audio files were created in partnership with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, who purportedly developed them based on an ancient family secret passed down for generations.

Listening to special sound waves included with the Quantum Attraction Code daily allows you to change your connection with the universe and potentially attract wealth, health, opportunity, and abundance to yourself.

Quantum Attraction Code is exclusively sold online, priced at a one-time fee of $37. All purchases have a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Click here to check out the official website for Quantum Attraction Code >>>

Quantum Attraction Code Benefits

Some of the benefits of Quantum Attraction Code include:

  • 10-minute daily audio files
  • Manifest abundance, wealth, and opportunity
  • Target the pineal gland or third eye
  • It comes with three bonus audio files
  • Developed in partnership with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter
  • Backed by 60-day moneyback guarantee

How Does Quantum Attraction Code Work?

Quantum Attraction Code uses the power of soundwaves, delivered at specific frequencies, to change your connection with the universe and help attract new opportunities.

The makers of Quantum Attraction Code developed the audio files based on quantum science – including the work of Albert Einstein. The science also traces its roots to an ancient Indian manuscript, the science of quantum entanglement, and even dinosaurs.

Unlike other spiritual programs, however, the Quantum Attraction Code does not involve the “law of attraction” of targeting “special brainwaves.”

Instead, the program is based on the laws of physics – including quantum physics phenomena we know to be true.

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Quantum Attraction Code Targets the Pineal Gland

By utilizing certain areas of quantum physics, you can change your connection with the universe, helping to attract new opportunities to you by manifesting these opportunities into the world.

The makers of Quantum Attraction Code claim the program can work as soon as the first day you use it:

“Some have experienced massive results as soon as the 1st day. Others have taken months to jump-start their pineal gland for Quantum Attraction.”

Listening to the audio files included with Quantum Attraction Code daily creates a special connection with your pineal gland. Also known as the “third eye,” the pineal gland is a small gland within the brain linked to hormone production.

Spiritual healers believed targeting the third eye could help attract wealth, abundance, and happiness. The makers of the Quantum Attraction Code found that they could achieve a similar effect using the power of quantum physics.

Who Created the Quantum Attraction Code? About Roger Poulson

Quantum Attraction Code was created by a man named Roger Poulson, who teamed up with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter to release the program to the world.

Before developing the Quantum Attraction Code, Roger was a twice-divorced father of two struggling to pay rent at a run-down apartment in Queens, New York. His two sons wanted nothing to do with him. He struggled with depression and debt. He even tried, unsuccessfully, to commit suicide.

However, Roger’s life would soon change for the better, transforming his physical and financial future forever.

Roger started driving for Uber to make ends meet. While driving for Uber one day, Roger met one of Albert Einstein’s descendants. He called her “Brenda,” although Brenda was not her real name. Brenda claimed to be a direct descendant of Albert Einstein.

Roger’s chance meeting with Brenda sent him on a journey that would change his financial future forever. Ultimately, it led him to create the Quantum Attraction Code and share his newfound fortune with the world.

Click here to get all the details about Quantum Attraction Code >>>

How Albert Einstein’s Direct Descendent Helped Create Quantum Attraction Code

Roger Poulson, creator of Quantum Attraction Code, developed the program after a chance meeting with Brenda, who claimed to be a direct descendant of Albert Einstein.

To be a direct descendant of Albert Einstein, Brenda would need to be Albert Einstein’s child, grandchild, great-grandchild, or great-great-grandchild (and so on).

Albert Einstein had three children, including:

  • Lieserl Einstein, Albert’s first daughter, died in 1903 at age 1.
  • Hans Albert Einstein, Albert’s first son, died in 1973 and had four children (three biological sons and one adopted daughter, Evelyn Einstein).
  • Eduard “Tete” Einstein, Albert’s second son, died in 1965 after becoming estranged from his father. Eduard Einstein underwent electroconvulsive therapy while institutionalized for mental illness. He never had children.

Roger claims to have worked with a direct descendant of Albert Einstein, who was also female. He calls the woman Brenda (which, he admits, is not her real name). Although he doesn’t disclose her identity, Roger’s information narrows down the list of candidates.

Albert Einstein’s only daughter died at age 1 in 1901, and he only had one granddaughter: his non-biological granddaughter, Evelyn. It’s possible Roger worked with Evelyn Einstein, although it’s unlikely she died in 2011.

It seems more likely that Roger worked with one of Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughters: Albert’s son, Hans Einstein, has a granddaughter named Myra Einstein, who works in Switzerland. Myra appears to be the only great-granddaughter in the Einstein family. “Brenda,” the woman in Roger’s cab who told him about the family secret, claims Albert Einstein was her great-grandfather.

Brenda Tells Roger About the Quantum Manuscript

Brenda, who may be Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, told Roger Poulson about a family secret called The Quantum Manuscript. That manuscript reveals the secret to attracting wealth, opportunity, and abundance to yourself.

Here’s how The Quantum Manuscript works, according to Brenda:

“Brenda,” the great-granddaughter of Albert Einstein, was visiting New York City to access a high-end recording studio. Roger initially assumed she worked in music, but he later discovered she worked as a scientist.

Roger told Brenda about his financial woes, describing how he was thousands of dollars in debt and suicidal.

Brenda told Roger about a family secret she claims “no one knew about.” Her family had sworn her to secrecy, but she decided to tell her Uber driver, Roger, about the secret.

Brenda told Roger about how her great-grandfather, Albert Einstein, had discovered something called The Quantum Manuscript in 1905 after a secret meeting with the United States military.

The US military discovered The Quantum Manuscript during “a secret military campaign in India in 1904.” Unsure of its meaning, they took it to Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein researched the manuscript and discovered it was related to “quantum entanglements,” including using quantum entanglement to manifest opportunity and abundance.

Today, the Quantum Attraction Code uses those same quantum entanglements and theories of quantum science to transform wealth, health, and fortune in the 21st century. According to Brenda and Roger, you can use these same principles to transform your future by listening to specific audio files daily.

Manifest Your Dreams Instantly with Quantum Attraction Code!

Quantum Entanglement Lets You “See” Wealth Around You

Brenda told Roger about the theory of quantum entanglement, which was outlined in The Quantum Manuscript and theorized by her great-grandfather, Albert Einstein.

Roger and his team go into greater detail about the theory and how it works. However, here’s the basic idea behind the theory:

Dinosaurs used to navigate the earth using the planet’s natural magnetic field.

Modern dinosaurs (i.e., birds) continue to navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field. Birds use quantum entanglement to effectively “see” the earth’s magnetic field, helping them navigate south in winter and north in summer without a compass. Butterflies and other animals use a similar phenomenon.

Ancient spiritual leaders believed humans could use their “third eye,” or pineal gland, to see the world similarly. They theorized using quantum entanglement to “see” hidden powers around you.

Spiritual leaders found that certain sounds activate the pineal gland, helping one see beyond the physical world—similar to how birds see the earth’s magnetic field.

These spiritual leaders outlined their beliefs in a document called The Quantum Manuscript, which ultimately ended up in the hands of the Einstein family. After meeting with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, Roger Poulson condensed these lessons into a series of audio files called the Quantum Attraction Code.

Buying Quantum Attraction Code online today gives you immediate access to a package of audio files designed to target your pineal gland or third eye, helping you “see” the world uniquely and profoundly – just like birds.

How Sounds Change Your Connection with the Universe

Quantum Attraction Code is based on the idea that listening to certain sounds can help you change your connection to the universe.

How do sounds change your connection to the universe? Can listening to specific audio files change your ability to manifest good fortune?

Roger Poulson, based on his discussion with Brenda, the great-granddaughter of Albert Einstein, discovered the following connection between sounds and the universe:

Ancient spiritual leaders practiced chants and mantras as a form of natural healing. Studies showed these mantras were therapeutic, but nobody knew why.

Eventually, researchers discovered specific chants and mantras created vibrations that affected the body. All sound consists of vibrations, and different sounds have different vibrations. These physical vibrations impact every cell in your body.

By listening to certain sounds, like the audio files in Quantum Attraction Code, you could apply physical vibrations to your pineal gland or third eye. The third eye is closely connected to the universe, and targeting the pineal gland can help change your health, happiness, and future.

Roger called the connection “quantum attraction,” theorizing certain sounds at specific frequencies could create vibrations affecting your pineal gland.

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What to Expect After Listening to Quantum Attraction Code: Roger’s Experience

Roger was the first person to listen to the soundwaves in Quantum Attraction Code. Soon after listening to the audio files for the first time, he got rich quickly.

Here’s what happened when Roger listened to the Quantum Attraction Code audio files:

Brenda, Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, told Roger to listen to a 10-minute digital audio file once daily to change his connection with the universe. Roger started listening to the audio files every day.

During the first three days of listening to the audio files, Roger had a string of bad luck. A drunk Uber passenger puked in his backseat. He was T-boned at an intersection. Someone sued him for a hit-and-run he was never involved in. Roger started to doubt everything Brenda had ever told him – including the fact she was Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter.

Brenda heard Roger’s feedback and adjusted the audio file. She split the track, causing one frequency to play in one ear and another frequency to play in the other ear. Roger began listening to the new audio file every day and soon experienced a change in fortune.

One day after listening to the new audio file, Roger received a check from the IRS for $4,638.92. It was a surprise tax refund. He also found a $100 bill on the sidewalk. Then, Roger received a notification from the hit-and-run lawsuit of a reverse settlement for $73,500. Roger had earned nearly $80,000 within days of listening to Quantum Attraction Code.

Roger told his 81-year-old mother, who was sick, to listen to the audio file. Roger’s mom appears to have cured her illness and solved her financial problems with Quantum Attraction Code. According to Roger, she no longer needs “her expensive meds anymore,” and she “now lives in a penthouse overlooking Central Park.”

After observing the life-changing effects of the Quantum Attraction Code on himself and his mother, Roger decided to share it with the world. He bundled the audio files together to form the Quantum Attraction Code. Today, anyone can buy the audio files online for instant access – and potentially enjoy benefits similar to those of Roger and his family.

How to Use Quantum Attraction Code

You can purportedly transform your connection with the universe by listening to Quantum Attraction Code for 10 minutes daily.

Here’s how to use Quantum Attraction Code and the included audio files:

  • Step 1) Buy Quantum Attraction Code online for a one-time fee of $37.
  • Step 2) Put on a set of earbuds or headphones.
  • Step 3) Press play, then listen to the audio frequencies for 10 minutes daily.

That’s it! According to Roger and his team, some people experience changes from the very first day of listening, while others require weeks for the manifestations to take effect.

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Quantum Attraction Code Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

It’s easy to be skeptical about Quantum Attraction Code and how it works. However, the official website is filled with reviews from verified users who have gotten rich quickly, solved severe health problems, and enjoyed other powerful benefits after listening to the audio files for the first time.

Here are some of the testimonials shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

Roger Poulson, the first person to listen to the audio files, claims he received around $80,000 in surprise money after listening to the files, including a $4,638.92 tax refund from the IRS, a $73,500 settlement from a hit-and-run, and a $100 bill found on the ground.

Roger’s mom, an 81-year-old with health issues, no longer needs expensive medication and now lives in a New York City penthouse after listening to Quantum Attraction Code.

One verified user claims she just purchased her “dream house overlooking the lake of the Ozarks” after previously living in a trailer park. She describes listening to Quantum Attraction Code as “the most transformative decision of my life,” claiming “the outcome was beyond my wildest dreams.”

Another customer believed he needed to work his whole life to become wealthy. After listening to the Quantum Attraction Code, however, he has “a new perspective” on wealth.

Another customer claims she was able to retire after listening to the Quantum Attraction Code. She used to work hard every day to make ends meet as a single parent. Today, she sends her daughter to the city’s best private school with a chauffeur each morning. She claims the Quantum Attraction Code “significantly altered our lives for the better” and is “endlessly grateful” for the program.

What’s Included with Quantum Attraction Code?

As part of a 2024 promotion, Quantum Attraction Code contains the core Quantum Attraction Code audio files and three bonus audio files. All four audio files are specially designed to target specific areas of cognition, health, and your overall connection to the universe.

You get instant access to all of the following when signing up for Quantum Attraction Code today:

  • Quantum Attraction Code: The core Quantum Attraction Code program consists of a 10-minute audio file. You listen to the 10-minute audio file daily to attract wealth, health, and abundance to yourself. It’s a manifestation program purportedly developed by Albert Einstein and kept secret by his family for centuries. The audio files contain specific frequencies that target your pineal gland or third eye, helping you manifest abundance.
  • Free Bonus eBook #1: Instant Calm Code: Instant Calm Code is an audio file that plays sounds at a specific frequency. Roger developed the audio file to “instantly calm your nervous system.” He recommends using it when you’re anxious, helping you calm down within minutes.
  • Free Bonus eBook #2: Sleep on Command: Certain soundwaves are linked to a better night of sleep. This bonus audio file features sound at a specific frequency to “put you to sleep on command,” helping you relax and recharge.
  • Free Bonus eBook #3: Confidence Titan: Listen to this audio file to boost confidence and attract new opportunities. Roger says it “puts your brain into ‘alpha state’” to inspire newfound confidence. Listening to audio files at specific frequencies can help you become more confident.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Quantum Attraction Code Pricing

Quantum Attraction Code is available for a one-time fee of $37. You can pay online today and instantly access the program.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Quantum Attraction Code online today:


Quantum Attraction Code + Bonuses: $37

You can also add a “booster” to your purchase for an additional charge:

Quantum Abundance Booster (+$19.95): Normally priced at $400, the Quantum Abundance Booster is available for an extra fee of $19.95 when bundled with the core Quantum Attraction Code program. Quantum Abundance Booster uses similar quantum science practices to manifest additional abundance to you by changing your connection with the universe. Listen to the audio files daily for superior manifestation power.

Visit the official website to get discounted prices!

Quantum Attraction Code Refund Policy

Quantum Attraction Code has a 60-day money-back guarantee. You have 60 days to try the program, listen to the audio files, and decide if it works for you before requesting a refund if you are unhappy.

About Quantum Attraction Code

Quantum Attraction Code was created by Roger Poulson, a father of two from Queens, New York. Roger worked with a woman named “Brenda” (not her real name), who claims to be Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, to develop and share the audio files with the world.

You can contact Roger and the Quantum Attraction Code team via the following:

  • Email: customerdesk@quantumattractioncode.com

Final Word

Quantum Attraction Code is a series of audio files designed to change your connection to the universe via specific sounds and frequencies.

Developed in partnership with Albert Einstein’s great-granddaughter, “Brenda,” the program is based on an ancient family secret that traces its roots to ancient India. The audio files are based on the idea that sounds, at specific frequencies, change your connection with the universe by targeting your pineal gland, helping you “see” the world in a never-before-seen way.

Visit the official website to learn more about Quantum Attraction Code and how it works or to buy the unique manifestation program online today.


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