Aberdeen City Council votes for historic buildings

Aberdeen City Council voted unanimously to approve the Side One Studios building and the Aberdeen Timberland Library for the city’s historic registry.

The buildings are the 21st and 22nd to be listed on the local register. There is no fiscal impact for the city.

“True North Precision LLC and the city of Aberdeen are requesting that a building located at 202 S. K Street — the Side One Building, which used to be the home of Goldberg’s — and 121 E. Market Street — the Aberdeen (Timberland Regional) library — respectively, be included on the city’s historic register.”

The Aberdeen Historic Preservation Commission held two public meetings on May 30 and June 3, according to city documents.

“The commission determined that the buildings did indeed qualify for listing under AMC (Aberdeen Municipal Code) 17.50.040 and are therefore recommending that both buildings be placed on the local register.”

Dani Bacon, co-owner of the Side One Building, which is also known as The Music Project building, was ecstatic upon finding out about the building’s addition to the register.

“The Music Project building is a 92-year-old building and we are so proud that it was given a historic recognition by the city of Aberdeen,” Bacon said. “Goldberg Furniture served this community for decades and now we look forward to carrying on the legacy of serving the people of our city.”

The library’s current building has been around since 1966, according to Greater Grays Harbor Inc. And then in 1969, the city of Aberdeen contracted for library service from Timberland Regional Library.

Aberdeen Mayor Doug Orr spoke positively about the additions of the library and Side One building.

“It’s great to see more buildings on the historic register,” Orr said.

Contact Reporter Matthew N. Wells at matthew.wells@thedailyworld.com.