Letters to the editor

The Daily World editor, reporter are appreciated

My husband, Les Bolton, and I have been regular The Daily World subscribers for 34 years, through thick and thin editions.

Since Michael Wagar took over as editor of The Daily World nearly two years ago, we have seen a steady improvement and expansion of the paper’s content. We went from mostly wire-service articles to greatly expanded local and regional coverage. This has made an enormous positive difference to us and to all readers.

We would also like to express our appreciation and admiration for one reporter in particular, Matthew N. Wells. We regularly attend Aberdeen City Council meetings, and last night I was struck again by his diligence as he took notes while also recording the meeting. Many times actions are taken quickly and specifics aren’t always available during the meeting. We can always depend on Wells’ reporting to be thorough, accurate and without sensation, covering the meeting, clarifying details and explaining complex issues. We look for his byline throughout the paper because we have come to depend on his experience as well as his ability to investigate and convey concisely the salient points.

We commend The Daily World for “keeping it local” and for hiring thorough, capable journalists who have made our paper great again.

With appreciation,

Elizabeth Bolton


Judge throws case ‘in the garbage’

This is my perspective from a suit in small claims court. I am not a lawyer, but I was taught to believe a judge actually had answers. And if he did not, he looked up the laws in the books on the case.

My judge seemed to have trouble hearing and I had to repeat myself several times. I was shaking so bad I asked him if he would rather read my case and with his nod handed him the paper.

I must admit I had written in larger print. What can I say? I am old and big print is wonderful. So the judge said he wanted to look up laws and would send us an answer via postal service. Now when you have the answers written in your case on paper with the RCW laws, there should not be a problem with the answer. But I understand he needed to check out the “pros and cons.”

And this is where my perspective of this judge went down hill rapidly. “Plaintiff claim is dismissed with prejudice.” Basically he threw my case in the garbage, did not have an answer or refused to answer one way or the other, not sure he even bothered to look and the prejudice means I cannot take it back to court.

Now you have my thoughts on our judicial system. At least in my case. I hope others actually get answers and are not thrown out to the garbage as this judge did.

Sharon Nylander
