Letter to the editor4

Daily World’s lack of Little League coverage abysmal

Where was the coverage of the state Major Little League tournament that was held recently at Pioneer Park?

The winner goes to San Bernardino, California representing the state of Washington. The state winner of the West Regional Tournament goes back to Williamsport, Pennsylvania to compete in the Little League World Series.

I understand there was no local team in the tournament. Aberdeen last held this tournament back in 1999. I know this as it took me 13 years to get it here. We have the nicest facility for Little League in the entire state. You had teams from all across the state coming to Aberdeen for the “Big Dance.”

Don’t you think the families of these fine athletes were disappointed to not read about the games in our local paper? No pictures, nothing. Neal Quigg and staff treated these kids like royalty. The teams came to Aberdeen with low expectations and went away saying this was the best complex they ever played on.

I’m sure the parents of the 12-year-old All Stars wondered why there was no local coverage of such a prestigious event. Every kid likes to see their name in the paper.

It could be another 25 years before we have the tournament again in Aberdeen. As a coach in Little League for 17 years, I feel The Daily World let a lot of kids down.

Kelly Caskey
