Letters to the editor

Library ‘REFRESH’ not very refreshing

This is a follow up to my letter published in The Daily World newspaper on Sept. 12, concerning plans of local history, a treasured collection removal at the W.H. Abel Memorial Timberland Regional Library in Montesano and a large outdoor playground slide installed inside the Westport Timberland Library.

The TRL main office in Tumwater calls this activity “REFRESH” which they decide on.

I attended Friends of the Montesano Timberland Library board meeting Sept. 24, which included four employees from the main office in Tumwater.

During that meeting several public attendees reminded the head office people that the taxpaying public, Friends of the Library groups and library patrons should have input in the “REFRESH” plans for our Timberland Regional Library branches.

I’m reminded of an old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

I urge you, the public, to look deeply into the “REFRESH” plans of the Timberland main office in Tumwater for your local branch, and how they and the Timberland Regional Library Trustees relate to the Friends of the Library groups and public.

If you don’t like what you see and hear, ask questions speak up and write letters.

You can make a difference.

Pat Bossard


Shedding tears for Vietnam vets who have passed

For me, June 15, 2023 was an emotionally painful day, walking amongst the displays with the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall. Honoring all of our brave soldiers who’ve given their lives for our precious freedoms, now disappearing daily, one by one.

I couldn’t stop the tears, still can’t, for them and the ones still dying. For all of the empty chairs in homes of the ones who’ve kept the home fires of welcome burning.

Linda Schaeffer


It’s past time to eliminate sea lions

In Africa they have a logical way of dealing with the control of animal species becoming over populated. For instance, if the male lions become too populated for the preserve, they simply humanely remove one and ship it somewhere where it is needed.

If you want to see what big game collectors can hunt over there, stop in Hanks IGA store in Twisp in the Methow Valley in Eastern Washington.

Now in the good old USA they want to eliminate a good portion of one owl species to save another?

How in the Sam Hell why, we can’t eliminate a good portion of the California Sea Lions to help save our salmon. They have almost eliminated California’ salmon. Why did Hershel keep coming back to Washington?

Lonnie Yucha
