Letters to the editor

Let’s ban fireworks on our coastal beaches

In terms of our annual coastal cleanup efforts, we need to take a look at how some of the trash gets there in the first place — mainly fireworks trash.

We do have anti-littering laws in Washington state, but obviously our littering laws are not enforced on our beaches even though the beaches are part of the Washington state highway system.

Besides the air pollution that occurs when millions of combustion particles and gases are released into the air during these splashes of color in the sky, let’s take a look at the chemicals within the gases and debris that ends up in the ocean and on the beach. A common chemical that is released is ammonium perchlorate. Other chemicals are: barium, strontium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, lead and aluminum. Lead and copper can be particularly toxic to marine life.

While it is laudable that the Washington Clean Coast Alliance and Washington State Parks are committed to keeping our beaches and parks cleaned up, I suggest that they also focus on demanding that our litter laws are enforced that forbid fireworks on our ocean beaches.

Fred Rakevich


Concern, sadness that Montesano library staff have left

I’m writing this letter to express my sadness and concern about the recent loss of three staff members at the Montesano Timberland Library — Nicole Rogers, library manager Chris Springer and children’s librarian Carol Brumfield.

It is devastating for those of us who frequent the library and also frequently, and sometimes desperately need their help and expertise with such things as using the copy machine, fixing our library app or adding a podcast on our phone. For an older person, these can be challenging tasks. This is help that is best given in person. Chris, Carol and all the staff were always so patient, understanding and generous with their time and help.

My question is why has there been such a sudden exodus of highly qualified, dedicated, well-respected and much needed staff members? They will be sorely missed and hard to replace.

Kerri Neathery

Member of Montesano Friends of the Library

Time for America to wake up about abortion

An 85-year- old Holocaust survivor declared that, “All abortion clinics are America’s death camps.”

A father of eight vigorously defends the unborn babies right to live. Both were dragged away in handcuffs by FBI agents.

In the 1930s, Germans ignored the millions perishing in Hitler’s death camps.

In Eric Metaxas’ “Letter to the American church,” he declares, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless”

Wake up, America.

Linda Schaeffer
