Public comment accepted through Feb. 22
Weather Service warns about possible landslides
Sarah Palmer’s history of schizophrenia, lack of other causes lead to natural death conclusion
Legislation could slow down wage increases
Warm, wet weather expected by Thursday, with some clearing possible for the weekend
Thinning crew discovers body about four miles north of town in the Smith Creek area
‘Ducky’s Bill’ could provide relief for local grade school student suffering from seizure disorder
Organizers banded together recently to picket Ocean Shores Roanoke Republicans gathering
Big improvements coming in 2018 for Simpson drainage, streets, sidewalks
Also updated littering ordinance to allow citations for illegal dumping on private property
Tournament draws 150 girls, proceeds fund scholarships
Changes designed to minimize future flood damage, flood insurance costs
Despite court ruling, company plans to move forward with project ‘as soon as possible’