
Clubhouse Fire Reviews – Does It Work?

Clubhouse Fire is a testosterone boosting supplement designed to enhance male virility and balance hormones.

By taking Clubhouse Fire daily, you can use a blend of maca and other ingredients to boost sex drive, enhance sexual function, and boost overall male vitality.

Is Clubhouse Fire legit? How does Clubhouse Fire work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Clubhouse Fire today in our review.

What is Clubhouse Fire?

Clubhouse Fire is a nutritional supplement designed to balance crucial physiological chemicals like testosterone, dopamine, and prolactin.

By taking five capsules of Clubhouse Fire daily, men can purportedly boost sex drive, enhance virility, and strengthen libido, among other benefits. Some men recover faster from a workout after taking Clubhouse Fire, while others notice enormous benefits in the bedroom.

Each serving of Clubhouse Fire contains a blend of proven ingredients – including amino acids, plant extracts, and more – to promote testosterone and dopamine production while suppressing prolactin production, helping to boost male vitality.

Clubhouse Fire is exclusively sold through ClubhouseSupplements.com, where it’s priced at around $99 per bottle. All purchases come with a 180 day moneyback guarantee.

Clubhouse Fire Benefits

According to the official website, Clubhouse Fire can support benefits like:

  • Skyrocket sex drive
  • Natural ingredients without side effects
  • Reduce recovery times
  • Boost physical and cognitive energy
  • Suppress estrogen and boost testosterone
  • Backed by 180 day moneyback guarantee

Get started today and see the difference Clubhouse Fire can make >>>

How Does Clubhouse Fire Work?

Clubhouse Fire works in a straightforward way: each serving of Clubhouse Fire contains a blend of ingredients to optimize the balance of a variety of hormones.

Many men have poor sex drives because their dopamine and testosterone levels are too low. By taking Clubhouse Fire, you can promote dopamine and testosterone, helping your sex drive skyrocket.

As proof Clubhouse Fire works, Clubhouse Supplements cites 10+ studies on the official references page – including placebo-controlled clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Those studies show the active ingredients in Clubhouse Fire work as advertised to promote testosterone, libido, and overall male vitality.

As further proof, Clubhouse Supplements worked with adult film star and sex coach Stirling Cooper to develop the Clubhouse Fire formula. Stirling credits the ingredients in Clubhouse Fire for transforming his sexual performance. His award-winning work includes 400+ scenes – including scenes with well-known actresses like Abella Danger and Angela White.

Today, Stirling and Clubhouse Supplements advertise Clubhouse Fire as a way to satisfy any woman in the bedroom. Men can increase sex drive, boost sexual performance, and optimize hormone levels using a blend of proven natural ingredients.

Who Created Clubhouse Fire? About Stirling Cooper

Clubhouse Fire was created by Clubhouse Supplements, a London, UK-based supplement company. That company partnered with adult film star and sex coach Stirling Cooper to create the Clubhouse Fire formula.

Stirling credits the ingredients in Clubhouse Fire for transforming his career. He used to struggle with his sex drive: he could easily have sex once a day on command, as needed for his job. However, having sex multiple times per day was difficult – even when he was working with some of the hottest women in the world.

Stirling started to research natural ways to boost sex drive. He spent hours researching natural ingredients to find a breakthrough.

To make a long story short, Stirling discovered a series of natural ingredients that help boost testosterone, suppress prolactin, and revitalize sex drive, giving any man the power of a porn star.

Visit official website to learn about Clubhouse Fire >>>

High Prolactin is the Root Cause of Sexual Dysfunction

If you have trouble performing, then high prolactin could be the issue.

Your body has a hormone called prolactin. This hormone is involved in hundreds of processes in the male and female body.

Prolactin is best-known for being involved in the development of breasts and breast tissue.

Studies show high prolactin levels in men can lead to undesirable effects – like long recovery times. In fact, Stirling Cooper’s research showed low prolactin levels make it difficult to “get it up again, after you’ve ejaculated.”

That’s why Stirling and his team at Clubhouse Supplements designed Clubhouse Fire to suppress prolactin levels. Stirling’s research showed:

Low prolactin levels lead to short recovery times, allowing you to orgasm over and over again with fewer breaks in between.

After you ejaculate, prolactin levels go up, leading to longer recovery times and a reduced ability to have sex over time.

Men who are more stressed tend to have higher prolactin levels and longer recovery times, leading to less stress.

Men with very high prolactin levels, in fact, can even experience lactation. Milk could come from their nipples. These men could also feel lazy and unmotivated.

High prolactin levels lead to low dopamine, making motivation problems even worse. When dopamine levels are low, it’s hard to get out of bed and be productive.

Low prolactin levels, on the other hand, lead to high dopamine. High dopamine is associated with strong sex drive, powerful motivation, and great ambition, among other benefits.

By taking five capsules of Clubhouse Fire daily, you can purportedly suppress prolactin, raise testosterone, and promote overall sexual health and wellness.

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Clubhouse Fire Ingredients

We’ve established the connection between dopamine, prolactin, sex drive, and male vitality. So how does Clubhouse Fire target these areas? What’s inside the five capsules of Clubhouse Fire to help suppress prolactin and boost testosterone?

Each capsule of Clubhouse Fire contains six nutrients linked to sex drive and sexual function. Here are all six ingredients and how they work, according to Clubhouse Supplements:

L-Tyrosine: L-tyrosine is an amino acid. It’s also the first largest ingredient in Clubhouse Fire. L-tyrosine is known as a building block of dopamine. Your body converts L-tyrosine into dopamine, boosting your sex drive. You can get L-tyrosine from natural sources – like meats and nuts. However, taking it in supplement form can help optimize levels of L-tyrosine (and, indirectly, dopamine). High dopamine levels are associated with high sex drive, and low dopamine levels are associated with low sex drive and motivation. By taking Clubhouse Fire daily, you can deliver a significant dose of L-tyrosine into your body to promote sex drive and sexual function.

Maca Root Powder: Clubhouse Fire contains maca root powder, described as a “Peruvian superherb” that “powers up your sex drive.” By taking this herb daily, you can purportedly help your body respond to stress. It has adaptogenic effects that make it valuable for sex drive, immunity, and overall male energy. Many men take maca specifically for fertility. Others take it for general energy. According to Clubhouse Supplements, the maca in Clubhouse Fire “increases dopamine levels and sex-drive,” which is one reason it’s been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic plant extract used in Ayurvedic medicine and other traditional medicine practices throughout the world. Today, ashwagandha is known for boosting testosterone, and many men take ashwagandha daily to support optimal testosterone levels and fertility. Men who are stressed tend to have lower levels of testosterone, and taking ashwagandha can help. Like other adaptogens, ashwagandha helps your body respond to stress, raising dopamine and lowering prolactin production. In fact, according to Clubhouse Supplements, the ashwagandha in Clubhouse Fire even “increases levels of antioxidants, and improve overall semen quality.”

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Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 deficiency is a surprising source of low testosterone and poor sex drive in many men. In fact, according to Clubhouse Supplements, “optimal vitamin B6 levels will increase your sex-drive and reduce your recovery times” while also supporting optimal energy levels, lower day-to-day stress, and healthy brain function, among other benefits. Plus, your body needs vitamin B6 to reduce prolactin levels and make dopamine. Many men are deficient in vitamin B6 because of their diet. Taking a vitamin B6 supplement like Clubhouse Fire could help.

Zinc: Zinc may be the most proven mineral in the world for raising testosterone and boosting overall male vitality. Each serving of Clubhouse Fire contains nearly three times your daily recommended value (% DV) of zinc. Zinc deficiency is correlated with low testosterone production, poor immune function, and low sex drive, among other benefits. By taking zinc daily, you can purportedly optimize prolactin, support optimal testosterone levels, and strengthen your immune system, among other benefits.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is one of nature’s best antioxidants. Along with vitamin C, vitamin E is one of the best antioxidants in nature. A diet rich in vitamin E is associated with anti-aging, better immunity, and better hormone balance, among other benefits. In fact, according to Clubhouse Supplements, a diet rich in vitamin E also has “a powerful effect on prolactin levels,” causing prolactin levels to go down. It can also support cardiovascular health, cognitive health, skin health, and more, according to Clubhouse Supplements.

How to Take Clubhouse Fire

Clubhouse Supplements recommends taking five capsules of Clubhouse Fire daily, preferably before a meal, for optimal results.

Take 5 capsules of Clubhouse Fire daily, preferably before a meal

The manufacturer also recommends starting slowly at first – as you would with any herbal supplement. Although the natural ingredients are safe for healthy adults to take, people may react to different ingredients in different ways.

Each bottle of Clubhouse Fire contains 150 capsules, or 30 servings (a 30 day supply). You take five capsules daily to promote testosterone and libido.

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What to Expect After Taking Clubhouse Fire

According to Clubhouse Supplements, you can expect a range of benefits after taking Clubhouse Fire – from libido to testosterone to energy and more.

Here are some of the results discussed on the official website:

Boost Libido & Sex Drive: The primary reported benefit of Clubhouse Fire is higher libido and sex drive. As you get older, your sex drive naturally declines. By taking five capsules of Clubhouse Fire daily, you can purportedly boost sex drive and libido.

Increase Dopamine: One reason why Clubhouse Fire boosts sex drive is because it increases dopamine production. According to Clubhouse Supplements, “the 6 nutrients in Fire are essential for…increasing dopamine – to boost your sex drive.” Dopamine is your brain’s feel good hormone. You release dopamine when you accomplish tasks, have sex, or eat good food. By increasing dopamine, the natural ingredients in Clubhouse Fire can raise sex drive while also helping with mood and optimal balance.

Optimize Prolactin to Reduce Recovery Times: Many supplements claim to target testosterone and other well-known hormones; however, Clubhouse Fire also claims to target a chemical called prolactin. By suppressing prolactin, Clubhouse Fire can purportedly reduce recovery times “and potentially make you multi-orgasmic,” according to the official website. Prolactin is a polypeptide hormone involved in hundreds of growth-related processes throughout the human body. It’s best-known for being the hormone responsible for lactation and breast tissue development. It provides effects similar to estrogen. By suppressing prolactin, Clubhouse Fire can encourage the development of desirable effects on male vitality.

Become Multi Orgasmic: One of the key goals of Clubhouse Fire is to reduce recovery between orgasms. High prolactin levels cause your body to take longer to recover after an orgasm. By suppressing prolactin levels, Clubhouse Fire can make you multi-orgasmic. In fact, the official website has reviews from men who claim to no longer lose their erection after an orgasm – they’re able to continue having sex until they orgasm again thanks to Clubhouse Fire, effectively making them multi-orgasmic.

Boost Overall Energy & Vitality: Low testosterone is associated with low physical and cognitive energy. Some men have mental fog. Others feel weak or tired frequently. By taking Clubhouse Fire daily, you can suppress prolactin and boost testosterone, helping to boost overall energy and vitality.

Clubhouse Fire: Get the benefits you’ve been looking for!

Scientific Evidence for Clubhouse Fire

Clubhouse supplements cites 11 peer-reviewed studies on its official references page. Those studies show some of the ingredients in Clubhouse Fire can boost libido, improve sexual function, and help with overall sexual performance in multiple ways. We’ll review that cited scientific evidence below.

L-tyrosine is the largest ingredient in Clubhouse Fire. It’s the first listed ingredient in the 2,400mg Clubhouse Fire Proprietary Blend. To justify the use of L-tyrosine, Clubhouse Supplements cites a 2020 study where scientists showed L-tyrosine acted as a precursor to dopamine while also improving working memory. Specifically, researchers found 2g of L-tyrosine per day significantly raised dopamine levels in a group of 45 young healthy adults compared to a placebo. One of the main goals of Clubhouse Fire is to raise dopamine and boost sex drive, and the L-tyrosine within the formula appears to achieve that effect.

L-tyrosine can also help with stress management. Stress is one of the biggest sex drive killers. Many people also have imbalanced hormones because of poor stress balance. As proof, Clubhouse Supplements cites a 2015 study where L-tyrosine acted as a precursor of dopamine and norepinephrine while also helping with stress response. Because of these effects, researchers found tyrosine “can be beneficial for performance.”

Maca is another important ingredient in Clubhouse Fire. Maca is one of the best-known herbal supplement ingredients for sex drive, libido, and overall sexual performance. In a 2014 study, researchers found maca (Lepidium meyenii) helped mice respond to chronic stress. Mice took maca or a placebo, with mice in the maca group responding significantly better to stress than mice in the placebo group. Specifically, researchers found mice in the maca group had higher levels of noradrenaline and dopamine than mice in the control group, suggesting the natural ingredient can activate both noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems.

As further proof, Clubhouse Supplements cites a 2006 study where a group of women took maca and experienced adaptogenic (stress relieving) effects. In that study, women took two 500mg capsules of maca daily, then responded significantly better to stress than women in a control group.

Ashwagandha has been shown to boost testosterone and improve overall male vitality. In fact, many men take ashwagandha daily specifically for testosterone. A 2009 study showed ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) improved semen quality in stressed men. Men with high levels of stress (say, caused by smoking or physiological issues) took ashwagandha or a placebo, with men in the ashwagandha group significantly improving semen quality compared to men in the control group. Ashwagandha has historically been used for its adaptogenic, stress relieving, and energy boosting effects.

The other ingredients in Clubhouse Fire have been linked to similar effects. Clubhouse Supplements cites a recent study showing pyridoxine (vitamin B6), for example, suppresses the rise in prolactin while increasing the rise in growth hormone induced by exercise. A separate study, meanwhile, showed pyridoxine helped stimulate the hypothalamic dopaminergic pathway, potentially raising dopamine. If you’re deficient in vitamin B6, then taking a vitamin B6 supplement could help raise dopamine. Zinc, meanwhile, has a crucial role in testosterone, male homeostasis, and overall male hormone balance, according to a 1988 study cited by Clubhouse Supplements.

Ultimately, Clubhouse Fire contains a blend of ingredients linked to sex drive, energy, sexual health, stress response, and other aspects of male health and wellness. By taking Clubhouse Fire daily, you can promote a variety of effects.

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Clubhouse Fire Supplement Facts Label

Some manufacturers – especially in the testosterone booster supplement space – use proprietary formulas to hide weak dosages or poor ingredient concentrations. Other manufacturers disclose all ingredients and dosages upfront.

Each five capsule serving of Clubhouse Fire contains a 2,400mg proprietary blend along with three vitamins and minerals:

2,400mg of the Clubhouse Fire Proprietary Blend with L-tyrosine, ashwagandha extract (with 1.5% withanolides), and maca root powder

  • 300mg of vitamin E (2,000% DV)
  • 50mg of vitamin B6 (2,941% DV)
  • 30mg of zinc (273% DV)

Other (inactive) ingredients, including cellulose (to create the vegetable capsule), fenugreek powder (from fenugreek seed), stearic acid, and silicon dioxide

Clubhouse Fire Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The official Clubhouse Fire website is filled with reviews from customers – primarily male customers – who have noticed fast and effective results soon after taking Clubhouse Fire for the first time.

Here are some of the testimonials shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

Some customers claim to have lost weight after taking Clubhouse Fire. One man claims he weighed 254lbs three months ago. Then, he started taking Fire. He was motivated to eat right and exercise more, and today he weighs 214lbs.

Many customers report noticeable benefits to sexual benefits after using Clubhouse Fire – including the ability to continue performing after an orgasm and the ability to have sex four or five times in a single night.

One customer is 47 years old and used to struggle to have sex more than once a day before taking Clubhouse Fire. Now, he and his wife have three times a day thanks to Clubhouse Fire.

Many men claim to have improved their confidence after taking Clubhouse Fire. Some have received promotions at work, while others have had more romantic success. Some men hit the gym more thanks to Clubhouse Fire, while others have started to eat right.

One man claims his “sex-drive went crazy” since he started taking Clubhouse Fire. Even after 12 years of marriage with his wife, he wants to have sex all day and all night.

Many men report significant improvements in erection quality, hardness, orgasm intensity, libido, and other aspects of sexual performance after taking Clubhouse Fire.

Find out what makes Clubhouse Fire so great >>>

Clubhouse Fire Pricing

Clubhouse Fire is normally priced at $99 per bottle. However, as part of a 2023 promotion, you can pay as little as $58 per bottle. You can purchase Clubhouse Fire as part of a one-time bottle purchase. Or, you can subscribe to receive regular shipments of Clubhouse Fire at your address.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Clubhouse Fire online today:

  • c
    1 Bottle:
    $99 + $19.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $237 ($79 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $348 ($58 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

(Special Discount) Purchase Clubhouse Fire For The Lowest Prices Here!!

Or, if you subscribe to the autoship program, you can pay $79 per month or $198 every three months:

  • 1 Bottle Autoship Subscription: $79 Per Month + Free Shipping
  • 3 Bottle Autoship Subscription: $198 Every 3 Months ($66 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Each bottle comes with a 30 day supply of Clubhouse Fire, or 30 servings (150 capsules). You take 5 capsules daily to boost testosterone and overall male vitality.

Clubhouse Fire Refund Policy

Clubhouse Fire has a 180 day moneyback guarantee. You have 180 days to request a refund on Clubhouse Fire if you’re unhappy for any reason – say, if the supplement didn’t work for you or if you’re dissatisfied with the effects.

About Clubhouse Supplements

Clubhouse Supplements is a nutritional supplement company specializing in male vitality, testosterone, and hormone supplements.

The company teamed up with award-winning adult film star and sex coach Stirling Cooper to create Clubhouse Fire. Stirling used his experience in the adult film industry to recommend a science-backed blend of nutrients proven to boost libido and testosterone.

Stirling Cooper claims the ingredients in Clubhouse Fire transformed his sex life. He went from struggling in bed to being a big name in porn. Over the years, he claims to have shot 435 scenes with the help of the ingredients in Clubhouse Fire, working with well-known actresses like Abella Danger, Angela White, and Andrea Chechik and with well-known porn brands like Brazzers, Bang Bros, and Reality Kings.

Clubhouse Supplements also does business under the name Clubhouse Consulting LTD. The company is based in London, UK.

You can contact Clubhouse Supplements and the company’s customer service team via the following:

Email: support@clubhousesupplements.com

Phone: +1 (559) 608-3071

Mailing Address: 128 City Road, London, UK EC1V 2NX

Final Word

High prolactin levels could be the root cause of your low sex drive. Clubhouse Fire aims to fix that problem by suppressing prolactin and raising dopamine.

To do that, Clubhouse Fire uses a series of five natural ingredients. Each five capsule serving of Clubhouse Fire contains a blend of sex natural ingredients – from amino acids to plant extracts – to boost testosterone and lower prolactin, helping to transform your sex drive and overall energy.

To learn more about Clubhouse Fire and how it works or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official website!


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