
Plantsulin Reviews – Does It Work?

Plantsulin is a blood sugar support supplement marketed primarily to diabetics.

If you have diabetes, then your body isn’t making the insulin it needs to control your blood sugar. Plantsulin aims to resolve this issue using a blend of natural ingredients – including plants that purportedly mimic the effects of insulin.

Does Plantsulin really work? How does Plantsulin help with blood sugar? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Plantsulin today in our review.

What is Plantsulin?

Plantsulin is a nutritional supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to promote healthy blood sugar.

By taking Plantsulin daily, you can purportedly use an all-natural formula “that drastically lowers blood sugar levels naturally.”

The official website is filled with testimonials from customers who have lowered blood sugar and enjoyed other benefits after taking Plantsulin – like better sleep, an overall feeling of youthfulness, weight loss, and more.

Plantsulin was developed by a medical researcher named Allen Young, who has spent the last 27 years specializing in blood sugar and diabetes research. He spent hundreds of hours researching hundreds of natural remedies for high blood sugar, ultimately discovering the 11 ingredients in Plantsulin linked specifically to blood sugar support.

Plantsulin is exclusively sold through Plantsulin.com, where it’s priced at $69 per bottle. All purchases come with a 180 day moneyback guarantee.

Plantsulin Benefits

Some of the benefits of Plantsulin, according to the official website, include:

  • Drastically lower blood sugar levels
  • Natural ingredients with no reported side effects
  • Formulated by professional medical researcher
  • 11 science-backed herbs, plant extracts, and nutrients
  • Support energy, blood flow, nerve pain relief, and more
  • Backed by triple, 180 day moneyback guarantee

How Does Plantsulin Work?

Plantsulin works using a series of “natural glucose calmers.” The formula is packed with special plant extracts shown to promote healthy blood sugar levels.

By taking two capsules of Plantsulin daily, you’re giving your body a blend of plant-based ingredients that purportedly mimic the effects of insulin.

The original inventors of insulin discovered the molecule in the pancreas of a dog, isolating it and turning it into medicine. Allen Young based his Plantsulin formula off similar research, isolating natural compounds in plants linked to insulin-like effects.

Today, Allen and his team primarily market Plantsulin to diabetics who want to enjoy the effects of insulin without the cost of side effects. The official website is filled with customers who have lost weight, lowered blood sugar, and even stopped taking their prescription blood sugar medication after using Plantsulin – often within just weeks of starting the supplement.

Click here to visit the official website for Plantsulin >>>

Who Created Plantsulin?

Plantsulin was developed by a medical researcher named Allen Young. Allen has spent the last 27 years working as a medical researcher, specializing primarily in blood sugar problems – like diabetes.

Allen was motivated to develop a natural diabetes remedy after realizing how little diabetes treatment has changed over the last century. Insulin was released a century ago, and we continue to treat diabetes with insulin drugs today.

Allen’s research led him to some dark corners of the pharmaceutical industry. He didn’t like what he found: pharmaceutical companies had been deliberately suppressing remedies for high blood sugar for decades because they made so much money from diabetes medications.

Allen wanted to create a different approach and create a gentler, more natural way to manage diabetes and high blood sugar. Plantsulin is the result of that work, and Allen poured his 27 years of experience into the supplement.

Plantsulin Targets the Root Cause of Diabetes & High Blood Sugar

Allen Young claims to have analyzed “thousands of ingredients” to find ones that target the root cause of diabetes and high blood sugar.

Allen based his work off of the original research into insulin. Discovered in 1921, insulin changed the medical community forever.

Insulin was discovered by two Canadian scientists: Frederick Banting and Charles Best. While working at the University of Toronto, the duo discovered how to remove insulin from a dog’s pancreas, isolating it and turning it into medicine that could help diabetic patients. They tested insulin on diabetic dogs, then moved onto humans.

Allen wanted to find a plant-based alternative to insulin that anyone could access without needing a prescription. He identified 57 plants that could provide similar benefits to animal-sourced insulin – but without the high cost. The end result were the 11 plant-based ingredients in Plantsulin, all of which have been linked to blood sugar supporting benefits.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to get Plantsulin!

Plantsulin Ingredients

Allen and his team spent hundreds of hours researching the best plant-based alternatives to insulin. The team identified dozens of plants with insulin-like effects, including plants shown to support healthy blood sugar levels and promote overall blood sugar balance.

Ultimately, Allen settled on a group of 11 science-backed ingredients to add to Plantsulin. All ingredients, as the name suggests, are designed to function as plant-based alternatives to insulin.

According to Allen, all of the ingredients in Plantsulin “allow your health to make a remarkable and rapid comeback while balancing your blood sugar quickly and naturally while significantly reducing your risk of all forms of disease.”

Allen even describes the ingredients as “miracle herbs.”

Here are all 11 ingredients in Plantsulin and how they work, according to Allen and his team:

Solomon’s Seal Extract: Solomon seal was approved by King Solomon in biblical times. The root of the plant also resembles the Star of David. It’s been used in eastern medicine for centuries. In 1930, however, one rogue scientist found Solomon’s seal extract could support healthy blood sugar, transforming the future of the herb forever. Today, many diabetes supplements use Solomon’s seal extract to support healthy blood sugar. Allen describes it as a “natural glucose calming super ingredient,” because it can support healthy blood sugar “within four hours” of taking your first dose, citing one study where patients rapidly lowered blood sugar soon after taking the herb. The herb has properties “that manage insulin production in mammals,” making it ideal for diabetics and anyone with high blood sugar to take, according to Allen’s research.

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Shepherd’s Purse: Another plant used for centuries to balance insulin and sugar levels, shepherd’s purse is “loaded with radical fighting nutrients” to help boost the immune system, support healthy inflammation, and balance blood sugar. It helps your body transform more of the food you eat into energy, raising overall energy levels. Along with Solomon’s seal extract, shepherd’s purse is one of the two most important ingredients in Plantsulin. In fact, Allen claims these two ingredients alone are enough to support healthy blood sugar.

Lycium Berry: Lycium berry is a “glucose supporting wonder plant,” according to Allen. It’s been studied over the last decade for its effects on diabetes and high blood sugar. In one recent study, diabetics took lycium berries after dinner for three straight months. On average, patients improved blood sugar by 51% compared to a placebo, and insulin production improved by 345%, according to a study cited by Allen. Lycium contains a nutrient “that increases the amount of GLUT4 in the body,” according to Allen. GLUT4 receptors in the bloodstream tell your body to release insulin. Lycium also increases calorie burning, which is one reason many people have lost significant weight with Plantsulin.

Bellflower Root: Bellflower root contains platycodin, a plant-based nutrient that supports blood sugar by suppressing carb absorption in the intestines. It helps your body absorb less sugar than it normally would from the food you eat. Some studies have also connected bellflower root to weight loss, cholesterol, blood sugar management, and more.

Eleuthero: Popular in traditional medicine, eleuthero is an adaptogen used in Ayurvedic medicine and becoming increasingly popular in supplements throughout the world. It’s best-known for its effects on stress response – similar to other adaptogens. However, eleuthero is also appearing in a growing number of diabetes formulas and blood sugar support supplements: the same stress management effects of eleuthero could help the body promote healthy blood sugar.

Astragalus: Astragalus is a root advertised with similar effects to eleuthero: it’s an adaptogen with a long history of use in traditional medicine in India and other parts of the world. In Ayurveda, astragalus was used for digestion and stress response. Today, scientists have validated both of these effects, showing astragalus can help the body respond to stressors and promote overall wellbeing. In Plantsulin, astragalus could help support healthy blood sugar. Allen specifically added astragalus to Plantsulin for its ability to “improve sugar metabolism and increase weight loss.”

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Licorice Root: A popular and well-known natural ingredient for diabetics, licorice root has a long history of use in traditional medicine – similar to eleuthero and astragalus. It’s more than just a candy. Studies have connected licorice to specific effects on blood sugar, and some diabetics take licorice root extract daily to help support healthy blood sugar levels.

Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is a plant extract best-known for its effects on liver health. Many people take milk thistle daily to support the liver. Although the liver doesn’t produce insulin or manage blood sugar directly, it’s the largest internal organ within the human body and plays a crucial role in overall health. By supporting your liver, you can make it easier for the rest of your internal organs to function effectively. As further proof, Plantsulin creator Allen Young cites a study where milk thistle “improved insulin resistance by 20% and achieved a 100% patient satisfaction success rate.”

Schizandra Berry: Schizandra berry is popular in traditional Chinese medicine, where it was historically used for a variety of ailments – from energy to digestive health issues to blood sugar balance. Today, we know schizandra berry works because it’s packed with vitamin C, which is one of nature’s best antioxidants. By taking schizandra berry daily, you can purportedly promote healthy blood sugar levels and support healthy inflammation throughout the body thanks to vitamin C and other micronutrients within the berry.

White Mulberry Leaf Extract: Found in a variety of diabetes and blood sugar supplements, white mulberry leaf extract has been shown to “slow the breakdown of sugars in the gut, so they are absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream,” according to Allen. Many blood sugar support formulas contain white mulberry leaf extract for that reason.

Wild Yam Extract: Although not as well-known as the ingredients listed above, wild yam extract contains a nutrient called diosgenin “Which is shown in studies to support blood sugar levels and improve glucose metabolism,” according to Allen. It’s found in a growing number of blood sugar support supplements.

Allen Young claims the unique combination of ingredients in Plantsulin have synergistic effects. Although they work well on their own, they work even better when used together. In fact, Allen claims they can support blood sugar within just days.

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What to Expect After Taking Plantsulin

The official Plantsulin website is filled with testimonials from customers who have lowered blood sugar significantly – or even reversed their type 2 diabetes – after taking Plantsulin.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Plantsulin, according to testimonials shared on the official website:

Support Healthy Blood Sugar: The primary goal of Plantsulin is to stabilize blood sugar. Diabetics tend to have unstable blood sugar levels, and this instability leads to low energy, mood swings, appetite cravings, and more. Plantsulin claims to support healthy blood sugar using a blend of plant extracts designed to mimic the effects of insulin – from Solomon’s seal to wild yam extract.

No More Side Effects of Medication: Many diabetes medications come with side effects – like tiredness. Plantsulin claims to work without the side effects of medications. Because the formula is all natural, you can support healthy blood sugar without harmful side effects. In fact, the manufacturer claims tens of thousands of people have used Plantsulin with no reported side effects to date.

No More Stress About High Blood Sugar Complications: When left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious health problems – from amputations to high blood pressure and more. According to the official Plantsulin website, you can enjoy “no more stress” about the complications of diabetes and high blood sugar thanks to Plantsulin.

See what others are saying about Plantsulin >>>

Enjoy Consistently Stable, Long Term Blood Sugar Readings: Plantsulin promises to offer consistently stable blood sugar readings long-term. Instead of just temporarily supporting healthy blood sugar, Plantsulin claims to offer consistent stability, helping you enjoy safe and steady blood sugar readings today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Get the Remedy Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want you to Know About: The makers of Plantsulin claim the pharmaceutical industry has spent significant resources trying to take Plantsulin off the internet. Because of their efforts, the makers of Plantsulin aren’t sure how long they can continue selling their remedy online. That’s why they want diabetics to buy as many bottles as possible today before it’s too late.

No More Brain Fog: Many diabetics have brain fog or poor mental clarity – especially when blood sugar is low. Plantsulin claims to put an end to brain fog by balancing blood sugar levels.

Boost Energy: People with diabetes and high blood sugar tend to have lower energy. Erratic blood sugar levels cause energy to spike and plummet throughout the day, wreaking havoc on your energy. After taking Plantsulin, you could experience a normal, steady, daily surge of energy while sleeping better each night.

Eat Carbs Without Worry: Most doctors tell diabetics to restrict the amount of carbs they eat. According to Allen Young, creator of Plantsulin, you don’t need to worry about carbs after taking the supplement. Instead, you can eat foods “like pizza, pasta and lasagna without worry” because of the blood sugar balancing effects of the supplement.

Lose Weight: Your body “burns calories like a furnace” after taking Plantsulin, according to the manufacturer, filling you with more energy. When you have diabetes, your cells may lack energy at the cellular level, struggling to burn energy from the carbs you eat or the fat stored on your body. Plantsulin aims to reverse this effect, making it easier to burn fat for fuel and lose weight.

Plantsulin: Get the benefits you’ve been looking for!

Scientific Evidence for Plantsulin

Allen Young, creator of Plantsulin, claims to have 27+ years of medical research experience – with most of that time spent specializing in blood sugar management. Allen also cites additional research verifying the ingredients in Plantsulin and how they work. We’ll review Allen’s evidence below to determine if the supplement really works.

A 2013 study showed astragalus could have anti-diabetic effects. Researchers found the plant extract was loaded with polysaccharides, saponins, and flavonoids linked to relief against both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These natural compounds appear to have antioxidant effects that make the plant valuable for fighting back against diabetes and high blood sugar.

The second largest ingredient in Plantsulin is balloon flower extract, also known as Platycodon grandiflorus root extract. Studies have connected this plant to insulin resistance, weight loss, and more. A 2016 study published in Nutrients, for example, found Platycodon grandiflorus root extract helped with body fat mass, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance by promoting liver health and fat cell burning.

The remaining ingredients in Plantsulin are connected to similar research. A 2013 study, for example, found eleuthero was packed with natural compounds like eleutheroside E that could improve insulin resistance. The study took place in type 2 diabetic mice – not humans. However, it suggests eleuthero could promote significant health effects. Licorice, meanwhile, is known for its anti-diabetic effects proven across multiple studies, while milk thistle has also been proposed as a natural way to balance blood sugar.

Plantsulin Supplement Facts Label

Allen Young, creator of Plantsulin, discloses all ingredients in the Plantsulin formula upfront. Although all ingredients are found within a proprietary formula, we know the smallest and largest ingredients in the formula based on the order they’re listed.


Here’s what you get in each two capsule serving of Plantsulin, according to the supplement facts label:

800mg of the Plantsulin Herbal Proprietary Blend with astragalus root extract, balloon flower root extract, eleuthero root extract, licorice root extract, lycium berry extract, milk thistle seed extract, schizandra Chinese fruit extract, shepherd’s purse stem extract, Solomon’s seal root extract, white mulberry leaf extract, and wild yam extract

Other (inactive) ingredients, including hypromellose and water (to create the vegetable capsule) and rice concentrate

Learn more on the official website >>>

Plantsulin Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Plantsulin has strong reviews online from customers around the world who have experienced significant effects from the formula. Overall, thousands of people have used Plantsulin and been happy with the results.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One customer claims her husband “has seen drastic improvements in his blood sugar levels” after taking Plantsulin. Those improvements are so significant, in fact, that they have “shocked his doctor.”

Another customer claims to have taken diabetes medication for years before finally finding lasting relief with Plantsulin. He claims he took “years of medication” before taking Plantsulin, but that his “blood sugar is lower due to Plantsulin.”

That same customer claims he no longer experiences diabetic neuropathy thanks to Plantsulin. His feet “ached so bad” before taking Plantsulin that he could barely sleep. After taking Plantsulin, however, his “pain is drastically reduced now.”

Another customer purchased six bottles of Plantsulin and found the supplement “works great.” She has been recommending the supplement to anyone with blood sugar problems who needs help controlling their condition.

Some customers even claim to have effectively reversed their type 2 diabetes thanks to Plantsulin. One customer claims his type 2 diabetes is “in the rear view mirror” after taking Plantsulin.

Others claim to have lost weight and experienced other significant health benefits thanks to Plantsulin. One man claims to have lost 62lbs after taking Plantsulin, for example.

James Anderson, a 52-year old father of two from Ohio, experienced “life-changing results” within days of taking Plantsulin. He had erratic blood sugar levels before taking Plantsulin, but the supplement stabilized his blood sugar rapidly.

James’ wife Linda started to use Plantsulin. The more she used it, “the more stable her blood sugar became.” In fact, she claims her blood sugar was stable for the first time in years.

Both James and Linda claim to have continued eating their favorite foods while stabilizing their blood sugar with Plantsulin. They didn’t diet or exercise: they simply started to take Plantsulin.

Some customers appear to have stopped taking their doctor-prescribed diabetes medication after using Plantsulin. One woman claims to have “saved thousands on medications and doctor’s visits” thanks to the supplement, for example.

According to the manufacturer, “tens of thousands of people” have tried Plantsulin and the company has “never had a serious side effect reported.”

Another customer claims her husband “is 57 but feels like 30.” He no longer has sore feet after taking Plantsulin. Before taking Plantsulin, his feet were in such bad shape that he was scheduled for surgery. After taking Plantsulin, however, his surgery has been canceled, and his doctor is “shocked.” He has also seen “drastic improvements” in his blood sugar overall.

Plantsulin Pricing

Plantsulin normally costs $149 per bottle. However, you can pay just $69 per bottle or less thanks to a special 2024 promotion. The manufacturer of Plantsulin has reduced the price of Plantsulin significantly as part of a temporary promotion. You can pay as little as $49 per bottle while also qualifying for free shipping and free bonus eBooks.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Plantsulin online today through the official website:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.99 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + $9.99 Shipping + Free Bonus Book
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus Books + Free Bonus Bottle

Place your order right here for the best prices available!

Each bottle of Plantsulin contains a 30 day supply, or 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules daily to promote healthy blood sugar.

The 6 bottle purchase also comes with a unique “doctor guarantee.” If your doctor isn’t impressed with your results after taking Plantsulin daily for six months, then the makers of Plantsulin will buy a free competing product of your choice. This refund only applies to 6 bottle purchases.

Bonuses Included with Plantsulin

If you buy 3 or 6 bottles of Plantsulin, you receive free bonuses – including one or two bonus books along with a free bonus bottle.

Here are the bonuses you receive when buying 3 or 6 bottles of Plantsulin online today:

  • Free Bonus eBook #1: The Truth About High Blood Sugar: Learn How to Restore Your Health Quickly and Naturally: All 3 and 6 bottle purchases of Plantsulin come with a free bonus eBook called The Truth About High Blood Sugar. In this eBook, you can discover how to safely balance blood sugar levels. The book doesn’t just claim to support healthy blood sugar temporarily; the author claims the tips will balance blood sugar levels “for good in just days.” You can implement the strategies as soon as today to complement the effects of Plantsulin.
  • Free Bonus eBook #2: Quick Start Guide: Quickly Get Started with This Step-by-Step Overview: If you buy 6 bottles of Plantsulin, you receive a second bonus eBook that’s a combination of a success journal and quick start guide. The guide explores the root cause of all disease – including strategies you can implement today to ensure a lifetime of health.
  • Free Bonus Bottle of Plantsulin: If you buy 6 bottles of Plantsulin, you actually receive 7 bottles in total. All 6 bottle purchases come with one free bonus bottle of Plantsulin, giving you a seven month supply in total.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Plantsulin Refund Policy

Plantsulin has a “3x guarantee.” This guarantee protects your purchase in three ways:

180 day moneyback guarantee. You can receive a 100% refund on your purchase with no questions asked if you’re unhappy for any reason – and you can even keep the bottles.

Doctor guarantee. If you use Plantsulin every day for six months and “your doctor isn’t shocked with your progress,” then the makers of Plantsulin will refund your money and buy you a competitor’s product of your choice (guarantee only applies to 6 bottle purchases).

Give back guarantee. With every order that’s refunded, the manufacturer of Plantsulin promises to make a donation to feed a starving child on your behalf.

Ultimately, this 3x guarantee is unlike any other guarantee in the supplement space, and it gives you additional peace of mind that Plantsulin works as advertised.

You won’t find a better deal on Plantsulin anywhere else!

About Plantsulin

Plantsulin is made in the United States by a manufacturer that does business under the same name. The manufacturer creates Plantsulin in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

The makers of Plantsulin partnered with a medical researcher named Allen Young to develop the formula. Allen claims to have spent years researching the best plants with insulin-like effects, ultimately creating a list of the 11 active ingredients in Plantsulin.

You can contact the manufacturer of Plantsulin via the following:

Phone: 1-866-450-0610

Email: support@getplantsulin.com

Customer service is available 7 days a week from 7am to 9pm. You should receive a response via email within 24 hours.

Final Word

Plantsulin is a nutritional supplement designed to help diabetics support healthy blood sugar.

Available exclusively online, Plantsulin was developed by an experienced medical researcher who specializes in blood sugar management.

To learn more about Plantsulin and how it works or to buy the blood sugar support formula online today, visit the official website.


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