The Westport South Beach Historical Society is one of 26 non-profit organizations and agencies that were recently awarded a total…
The 5th annual Woof-a-Thon proved once again that dogs do indeed have a special day.
Like a skeleton bleaching in the sun, the old No.45 steam engine sits stripped to her bare bones in the…
This time, the devil wore red, white and blue, the bad guy being our guy.
Hoquiam welcomes the 3rd Annual Grays Harbor Pride Festival Saturday
SEATTLE — Bill Bryant, Washington state’s Republican candidate for governor, has finally taken a public stand on the Donald Trump…
A Hoquiam driver was arrested Monday after pinning an Elma man between two cars and fleeing the scene.
WSU Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties host a workshop from 10-12, Sept. 3
Roughly 30 community minded citizens were allowed to voice their concerns
The state Department of Health has given the Trave-Lure Motel 30 days to remedy a host of serious problems uncovered…
An alert neighbor called 911 and foiled the burglary of a local business.
A Corvette versus semi collision blocked SR12 in Oakville for two hours early Thursday morning.