In my opinion, there was a time when The Daily World was more in touch with the pulse of the public. A lively page of letters to the editor illustrated that point. Again, in my opinion, this paper needs more meat on its bones now.
Here’s just two specifics: We have a relatively new mover and shaker in Aberdeen — Doug Orr of Aberdeen Art Center. His is truly an altruistic spirit, and together with his helpful partner David Rodriguez, he’s forever beautifying our community with his presence and boundless energy.
Whether it’s his murals around town, or the flowers they plant on random streets, or the “pocket park” he’s helping to create for the Senior Center, or yet another happening of mega proportions, such as the Rain Glow Festival (right on the heels of the mural he just finished for Ocean Shores), the guy just keeps on going!
Hence, I was sorely disappointed in the micro coverage given the recent Rain Glow event which was buried on page two, I think. Check out the festival’s pictures on Facebook — there was a lot of amazing creativity, which could have been shown, or at least mentioned in The Daily World article.
Instead, we had a lengthy article about the proposed disc golf park proposed for Cosi’s Maranenko Park, but nothing whatsoever to tell the reader what disc golf is! Do the players bat a Frisbie around with a golf club?
In all fairness, this letter isn’t just to complain about The Daily World. I deeply sympathize with newspapers in general these days.
With so many people reading news and sharing life events on line these days, instead of sharing those things with the paper, it’s a wonder papers are able to retain advertisers and hire reporters who can maintain a pulse on the community!
Personally, I feel responsible to support my community newspaper, for support is often contagious and makes life better for all of us.
Kitty Mady