Ex-prosecutor and judge supports McClain

Letter to the editor

As your former Pacific County Prosecutor, District Court Judge, and, most recently, Superior Court Judge (retired), I write to endorse Mark McClain for another four years as our community’s Prosecutor.

Because I am retired, I can endorse Mark McClain.

Mark is an experienced, capable, honest and battle-tested prosecutor. I can tell you as someone who has “walked in his shoes” for eight years, experience matters.

Prosecutors hold criminals accountable. This affects your safety as you walk our streets. The prosecutor is also the corporate attorney for the county. Mark is a competent attorney in both areas. We are fortunate to have someone of Mark’s caliber serving our community. He is a proven, capable, dedicated public servant able to manage the office and protect our community. As someone honored by my community’s tremendous support for so many years as your prosecutor and judge, Mark has earned, yes earned, my trust and respect. He has appeared before me in hundreds of criminal matters. Mark presented careful and thoughtful legal arguments. He treated all persons present with respect.

When you combine his experience and toughness with these other necessary qualities, my endorsement is on “rock-solid ground.”

Please consider Mark McClain when you cast your vote. I invite you to join me in re-electing Prosecutor Mark McClain.

Michael J. Sullivan


Pacific County Superior Court Judge (retired)