Get a whiff of this


For those of you who experience the ongoing annoyance of the odor of rotten fish coming from the fish meal plant in Hoquiam, I would like to share some information with you.

Fran McNair is the director of the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency in Olympia and has been working on this problem but she needs our help. When you notice the odor of fish, she is asking that you give her a call and note the time of the incident, your location relevant to the fish plant and the intensity of the odor on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being minor and 5 being intense).

She is very pleasant to deal with. Her number is 800-422-5623 ext. 100. If she is not there, please leave her a message giving her your name and the information listed above. Please cut this article out of the paper and keep it handy throughout the summer so you can accurately report the incidents of odor. She wants to eliminate this problem and with our help, she will be able to.

Paul MacLeod
