According to the Final Environmental Impact Statement released on Sept. 30 there are no mitigation measures that can be implemented that would totally eliminate the risk of a large spill, fire or explosion if the permits for the Westway Oil Terminal at the Port of Grays Harbor are granted.
These would have a huge and lasting impact on ground and surface waters, plants, animals, aesthetics (constant smell of oil), recreation, cultural resources, tribal resources, human health and the quality of life for all current and future residents of Grays Harbor County and beyond.
Why would the Department of Ecology and the City of Hoquiam grant these permits?
Prior to retirement I was the treasurer for a local bank, and as such I know we would not grant a loan of our depositor’s money to a borrower if our loan was not 100 percent insured. What about the loan of our environment to Westway when our loan is not fully insured against all risk? The government of the city and DOE are in place in order to protect the interests of its residents. I am including a link to a very enlightening fact sheet about Westway, done by Sightline Institute, a think-tank that provides leading original analysis of energy, economic and environmental policy in the Pacific Northwest. If you read this I do believe all will agree that Westway is not the type of company we would want to loan our environment to, especially knowing the loan is not 100 percent insured against risk.
You can read it for yourself at:
Paul MacLeod