I wholeheartedly endorse Steve Rogers for re-election for Pacific County commissioner. I have known him, and observed all his capabilities, for a long enough time now to know he is the real deal. He works well with our other two commissioners as a team to effectively deal with our county’s pressing issues, especially now that he has four years of experience under his belt to figure out all the bells and whistles.
He is as honest as they come, and when he recently said this about himself, I knew he meant it: “I think my background and experience are very valuable — dealing with sticky personnel issues. I’ve dealt with big budgets. I like being visible in the community. I’ve had four good years. I haven’t screwed up. I’ve managed to keep my mouth shut, and I’ve managed to move the county forward.”
As an earlier letter writer said, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Michael J. Spencer