Aberdeen native featured in Seattle Bride magazine

Heather Dublanko, 22, is the model for the photo shoot titled “Set Design.”

An Aberdeen High School graduate is featured prominently in the current issue of Seattle Bride magazine.

Heather Dublanko, 22, the daughter of Craig and Kristen Dublanko of Aberdeen, is the model for the photo shoot titled “Set Design,” which spans pages 115 to 123 of the Fall/Winter edition.

Proud grandmother Penny Ford says Dublanko lives in Portland now, but travels a lot for her work with five different agencies. Ford says her granddaughter has modeled on Las Vegas runways and even appears as a “special extra” in a movie with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson — though she said she couldn’t reveal details on that.

“And she’s a hunter! You’d never know it, but she loves to hunt and fish when she’s not modeling,” said Ford. “For those who knew her in high school, she’s just as sweet and nice and down-to-earth … a real Aberdonian.”

The magazine is sold at Safeway, Walmart and other retailers.