February in Cosmopolis around 1900

Here is a smattering of news items reflecting life in the “World City” as recorded by the Aberdeen Herald 115 to 125 years ago.

Nothing New

By Roy Vataja

I’m sure at one point or another someone in Cosmopolis has wondered, “What events happened during the month of February in Cosmopolis between 1894 and 1904?” Well, wonder no longer. Here is a smattering of news items reflecting life in the “World City” as recorded by the Aberdeen Herald 115 to 125 years ago.

The people of Artic and vicinity have shown their interest in road-making by opening up the road between Artic and Little North River and Cosmopolis. When the bridge is built across the river we can drive to Cosmopolis with a wagon and back to Artic in one day. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 15, 1894

C.F. White’s patent car roofing is meeting with steady sale in the East. A groove in the center of the lower part of the joint carries away any moisture that may accumulate. It is the invention of the planer man at the Cosmopolis mill. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 22, 1894

Cosmopolis has a promising enterprise in the new brick plant now being erected by Lambert Bros., lately from Illinois. They will manufacture pressed brick, and already have the contract for the brick for a new block to be built by H.L. Sauers. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 28, 1895

Thos. Niner, a sailor on the schooner Martha W. Tuft, while under the influence of liquor, fell off the Cosmopolis wharf last evening and was drowned. Postmaster Strange informed us at noon that the body had not yet been recovered. – Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 13, 1896

A week later, the Cosmopolis Enterprise newspaper responded:

The Aberdeen Herald says the sailor that drowned at Cosmopolis was drunk. A mistake. The two drunken sailors got aboard their schooner all right, while the only sober one found a watery grave. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 20, 1896

Miss Mamie Covington organized a singing class in Cosmopolis, last Friday, and now the young men of that town will have an opportunity to train their voices for a useful accomplishment. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 18, 1897

Cosmopolis lodge, No. 66, A.O.U.W., has decided to build a hall on their lots, corner of First and F Streets. It will be two stories, the lower floor adapted for business purposes. Good. So the “Best Town” advances. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 2, 1897

The (Grays Harbor Commercial Co. lumber mill’s) electric light plant is in good condition, and the company is now prepared to furnish lights for outside parties, in addition to lighting it extensive yards and plant, store and offices, also the shingle mill. H.L. Sauers, Fred Nye and Wm. Ray have already introduced the electric lights, and others will follow suit. There is talk of extending the wires to the city hall building. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 11, 1897

There are too many boys on the streets evenings. Home is the place for them. They are receiving the wrong kind of education. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 2, 1899

Two injured men were brought to the hospital from Cosmopolis last Thursday. John Johnston lost the ends of some fingers while working around a resaw, and John Haho got his right leg caught in the live-roll gearing back of the band mill, and had the flesh almost torn off the limb from the hip to the knee. Both men were attended to at the hospital and are getting along very well. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 8, 1900

Float coal has been found near to Cosmopolis, and competent prospectors are following up the lead. The indications are good. There is no reason why the vicinity of Cosmopolis should not have a big coal mine. Keep your eye on Cosmop., the best located town on Grays Harbor. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 22, 1900

G.M. Powell, while riding a bicycle to South Aberdeen recently, was thrown from the wheel and off the sidewalk. Though the shoulder and neck are still sore, the bad results will not be permanent. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 14, 1901

One serious question is — what is to be done about the floating dock and incline at the foot of F Street, owned by the town (of Cosmopolis)? It is a poor excuse and does not answer the purpose intended. Besides at times it is dangerous. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 6, 1902

One man, three ladies and one girl were baptized in the Chehalis River at Cosmopolis, Tuesday afternoon. All the parties concerned came from Aberdeen. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 13, 1902

Stanley Smith’s cabinet shop is being kept busy for several days, manufacturing new work to the order for the Cosmopolis hospital. Among other conveniences, Dr. Watkins is having made a large cabinet to be placed in the operating room and to contain the instruments and other articles needed in a room used for that purpose. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 13, 1902

Cosmopolis has a marshal (M.A. Mitten) who has started out to close gambling in that busy little city. If the officer means business, and is not “out with the big mit” and has the sentiment of the town with him he will succeed, otherwise. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 27, 1902

Miss Wilson teacher in Cosmopolis public schools, has been out of town this week, looking after land in which she is interested. Her pupils have had a vacation. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 12, 1903

Tuesday morning, Tom Martin has his right forearm nearly severed by a cut-off saw at G.H.C.Co’s mill. He is a tallyman and was giving instructions to a man at the saw. At Cosmopolis hospital an effort is being made to save the arm, though this is one of the cases where success is by no means sure. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 23, 1903

The part of the walk to South Aberdeen that is inside the town limits of Cosmopolis is all right; but the part inside the limits of Aberdeen is in bad shape. This does not tempt riders of bicycles to make trips to Aberdeen. — Aberdeen Herald, Feb. 1, 1904

Roy Vataja is the son of Finnish immigrants and recently learned that “Cosmopolis” is defined as “A city inhabited by people from many different countries.” It is an inclusive city and reflective of the immigrants who settled there.