
Byte Aligners Review Home Teeth Straightening Impression Kit

Byte is a teeth-straightening system that can be set up at home with an impression kit and, according to the website, will constantly deliver each aligner to push along with the progress of correcting the byte of your teeth. The regimen doesn’t require a dentist’s consultation, but users will need to use the aligners consistently to see the improvements.

What is Byte?

Crooked and misaligned teeth can be an overwhelming and frustrating issue and expense for anyone. While some people see this issue as a cosmetic concern, other individuals can hardly bite down or chew properly. Straight teeth are practically a necessity, but the ability to affordably and easily achieve this change is rather difficult. That’s where Byte comes in.

Byte offers straightening teeth aligners that gradually move the teeth into their correct positions. Though they boast the same effectiveness as braces, the Byte system isn’t nearly as noticeable since they are a clear aligner with a custom fit to your teeth and gums. Plus, there’s no need to visit a dentist to get fitted or even get an x-ray, and the website states that users will likely see a faster result than many other teeth alignment systems available today.

How Does Byte Work?

Every step of the progress that Byte can make on the teeth starts with the impression kit. The impression kit allows the creators of the trays to see exactly how the teeth are positioned, ensuring that they can make a plan that properly realigns them.

The impression kit provides a 3D view of every tooth along the gums. Once the user takes their own impressions, they will send them back to Byte, using the prepaid shipping label. Users will have their impressions reviewed by an orthodontist directly, keeping them in the loop with their custom treatment plan. To ensure that users understand the commitment, the orthodontist assigned to these impressions will explain it with an interactive model.

All of the aligners are delivered directly to the user’s shipping address. However, the actual process of changing out the aligners and how long they should be worn is determined by the treatment plan.

Purchasing Plans for Byte

With free shipping and even a return shipping box, users are responsible for the impression kit’s $29.95 fee. Normally, the cost is $95.00, but the price is lowered for a limited time. Users will have to choose from the All-Day or At-Night plan, depending on their personal preference.

With the package, the user will receive:

  • A set of impression trays for the top and bottom jaw
  • Molding putty with corresponding gloves
  • A smile stretcher
  • Putty gloves
  • A customized treatment plan
  • Check-ins with an orthodontist
  • byte-for-life Lifetime guarantee

In the event that the user determines that they are not a good candidate for the Byte straightening system, they will get a complete refund for the impression kit.

However, that’s not the only cost, and users will also have to cover the fee of the aligners. Choosing the All-Day aligners, which users must wear for 22 hours a day, will cost $1,895. The At-Night system is a bit more expensive and costs $2,295 with 10 hours of wear each night. To reach out to ask questions, consumers can email, or phone the Byte customer service at:

  • Phone:866-561-1507
  • Contact Us support@byteme.com
  • PR@byteme.com

Using Insurance

Unlike some options, anyone can check their insurance benefits on the official website to determine what it currently covers. Users don’t have to determine their own benefits or costs. If the user sends over their insurance card or policy number, the company can check the information for them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Byte

Once the user sends in their impression kit, what is the wait time?

Most people receive their aligners within 7 weeks, though some receive them in as little as 5 weeks. Users should send back their aligners as quickly as possible with their photos and consent form.

What if the user doesn’t properly use the impression kit?

The impression kit can be used twice to capture the top and bottom teeth’ current alignment properly. However, if the user needs further attempts to make their impression, they will only have to pay the cost of shipping for another one. The patient care team can answer any questions about the impression kit if needed.

What will the teeth look like after the alignment is complete?

Users will receive a 3D visualization of their teeth and what they will look like after the alignment is made.

Can users get a refund on the impression kit?

Users will only receive a refund if they are deemed not candidates for straightening with the Byte aligners.

How do users know if using the Byte impression kit will make a difference.?

Users that need up to moderate alignment corrections will be candidates. It can help with crowding, spacing issues, rotation, and bite correction. The orthodontists of the Byte team will determine if the user is a candidate.

How long will users need to continue wearing aligners to straighten their teeth?

Most people see a change in their teeth straightness within five months. However, the experience will depend on the user’s current alignment. A clearer timeline can be determined after the impression is made.

The customer service team can be reached by sending an email to support@byteme.com.

Byte: Is it for you?

Byte offers an at-home system that is incredibly efficient, helping mild and moderate cases that help fix misaligned teeth to straighten within approximately five months. The program doesn’t require any in-person care, though users will get a plan that is created by an orthodontist. Users that decide that this is the right program for them can choose what time of day to wear the aligners, although the cheaper cost will require up to 22 hours of wear each day.

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