
Perfect Immune Reviews (Activation Products) Real Immunity Booster Supplement?

‘Perfect Immune’ is a heart health supplement blended with a holistic solution designed to boost one’s calcium metabolism, regardless of age.

Perfect Immune works by supplementing the body with beneficial doses of Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 to facilitate the process of ‘calcium metabolism,’ which the manufacturer states will allow “calcium to deposit in all the right places in your body.”

What is ‘Calcium Metabolism’?

Scientifically, ‘calcium metabolism‘ refers to the body’s process of regulating the movement of calcium ions in the stomach, kidneys, blood plasma, extracellular and intracellular fluids, and bone. Specifically, the body stores calcium deposits in the bone, later used as a withdrawal source for the body’s blood flow.

In adults, 99% of calcium is stored in the skeleton, one of the main places the body stores calcium for later use; the remaining 1% is found in blood, muscle, and other body tissues. According to studies, those with diets lacking vitamin K can accelerate a deficiency of K2 in as little as seven days.

The manufacturers of Perfect Immune refer to the ‘calcium metabolism’ process as the body’s “natural healing mechanism.”

Specifically, the Perfect Immune supplement uses this process to:

  • Help strengthen the bones of those that take the supplement
  • Provide greater immune system support, enhancing the body’s ability to fight off viruses and diseases
  • According to studies, K2 helps reduce the risk of clogged arteries due to excess calcium deposits, thereby decreasing heart disease risk.
  • Facilitate a healthier bone-growth process overall

Calcium’s Role and Function in the Body

While not often spoken about as an essential nutrient for normal body function, calcium serves several roles critical for ensuring one’s health.

Calcium is responsible for the following:

  • Regulating heart rhythm
  • Maintaining muscle function
  • Maintaining kidney function
  • Maintaining nerve function
  • Promoting bone health
  • Strengthening teeth
  • Influencing blood clotting, blood pressure, and cholesterol
  • Hormone and enzyme activity
  • Intracellular signaling pathways

Below is a chart showing how calcium plays an integral role in ensuring the functionality of numerous systems in the body:


How the Perfect Immune Supplement Helps

Believe it or not, many adults fail to receive adequate calcium in their diets. This deficit can lead to several health problems, especially those related to weak immune systems, bone strength, density, and function. The adverse impact of a calcium-deficient diet on the bones can prove debilitating for the elderly and aging populations.

Of course, a calcium-deficient diet also inhibits the process of calcium metabolism in the body.

The Perfect Immune supplement addresses these issues by infusing a hefty dose of Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3, which work in concert with calcium to provide optimal bone function and strength.

As we’ll learn, these two nutrients, K2 and D3, are two essential components of the Perfect Immune supplement that lead to its effectiveness as a health solution for those who take it. This is due to their critical role in facilitating the body’s ability to effectively use the additional calcium it receives from the Perfect immune supplement, which ultimately promotes the calcium metabolism process as advertised.

This vital relationship between Vitamin K2 and Calcium, as well as Vitamin D3 and Calcium, is acknowledged directly by the Perfect Immune manufacturer.

As noted, ‘Vitamin K2 & D3 are powerful on their own, but when combined with an enhanced calcium supply, the health benefits are multiplied several times.

Vitamin K2’s Role in Perfect Immune

Research has shown that it is not effective to simply increase one’s diet in calcium or take a supplement that only supplies calcium to the body. While this may be effective in addressing a calcium deficiency, it won’t be enough to address other relevant issues caused by the calcium deficiency, such as poor bone health, strength, and heart function.

Studies show that if one increases calcium in their diet without any complementary vitamins or nutrients to supplement their increased calcium intake, it is more likely that the calcium will end up being deposited in the body’s ‘soft tissue’ spots (i.e., arteries and joints). This can adversely impact one’s health as increased calcium deposits in soft tissue areas have been in studies linked with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and pain.

This is a fact that the Perfect Immune dietary supplement manufacturer intelligently acknowledges on their site – signifying their extraordinarily high level of understanding of biochemistry and the nuances involved with the body’s handling of calcium.

In the Perfect Immune formula, Vitamin K2 also inhibits blood vessel calcification, the appearance of younger-looking skin, kidney stone prevention, bone metabolism, promotes better brain health, and regulates blood sugar.

As it pertains to facilitating the appearance of younger-looking skin, the Vitamin K2 nutrient helps prevent the calcification of elastin. This is because Vitamin K2 is relied upon by several proteins in the body that are responsible for regulating soft-tissue calcification. Specifically, when there’s a Vitamin K deficiency, ‘elastrin fibrils’ are particularly prone to calcification.

Vitamin K2 can also prove instrumental in supporting proper bone and teeth growth, sustenance, and strength.

Vitamin K2 helps by activating a protein called ‘matrix GLA.’ This protein is responsible for removing calcium from soft tissue areas in the body (reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke). This vitamin is also responsible for activating another naturally occurring protein in the body called ‘osteocalcin.’ Osteocalcin is responsible for directing the body to deposit calcium in the bones rather than soft tissue areas.

Thus, Vitamin K2’s role in the Perfect Immune formula significantly contributes to the supplement’s overall effectiveness.

Vitamin D3’s Role in Perfect Immune

As mentioned in this review, calcium is critical in promoting optimal functionality of the body’s nerves, cells, muscles, and bones.

When combined with a boost of calcium in the body, studies show Vitamin D3 can prove instrumental in helping the body fight against issues caused by calcium deficiency, such as bone loss (osteoporosis), bone weakness (osteomalacia/rickets), parathyroid gland dysfunction (hypoparathyroidism), and muscle disease (latent tetany).

Specifically, in the Perfect Immune supplement, Vitamin D3 is essential in helping the body absorb the additional calcium it receives appropriately. According to the NIH, “Without enough Vitamin D3, one can’t form enough of the hormone calcitriol. This, in turn, leads to insufficient calcium absorption from the diet. In this situation, the body must take calcium from its stores in the skeleton, which weakens existing bone and prevents the formation of strong, new bone.”

Vitamin D3 also provides a number of benefits individually as well. Specifically, the inclusion of Vitamin D3 has proven to be highly effective in combating depression and other problems related to mental health issues. WebMD states that “Vitamin D deficiency leads to medical and psychosocial problems.”

Vitamin D3 can provide various health-related benefits by attaching to the body’s Vitamin D receptors, which are located in the body’s muscles, heart, brain, and immune system. Once Vitamin D3 is ingested by the body, it is then carried to the kidneys and liver, where it’s then converted to an active hormone. This hormone facilitates the body’s ability to absorb calcium properly. In this way, Perfect Immune’s inclusion of Vitamin D3 as one of its core nutritional components imbues the supplement with the ability to jumpstart the process of ‘calcium metabolism’ in those who take it.

Studies show inadequate Vitamin D3 can lead to a wide range of problems in affected individuals, such as low bone density, bone softening, seasonal affective disorder, depression, heart disease, rickets (in children only), and even cancer in the worst case. Symptoms of Vitamin D3 deficiency include mood changes, fatigue, forgetfulness, general loss of interest/ability to derive excitement from activities that one previously enjoyed, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, loss of appetite, rapid fluctuations in weight (gains or losses), and trouble sleeping.

Numerous studies have correlated an additional boost of Vitamin D3 in one’s dietary intake with a reduction in the prevalence and severity of depression.

Thus, with so much at stake, health-wise, including the Perfect Immune formula into one’s daily regimen could prove essential in alleviating the following ailments:

Vitamin D3 intake is especially critical as we continue transitioning to a ‘post-COVID’ reality. During the COVID-19 crisis, people worldwide were forced to self-quarantine and practice ‘social distancing’ from one another. This led to a phenomenon where everyone was forced to spend more time indoors and out of sunlight than ever before. Since Vitamin D3 is a nutrient naturally supplied through exposure to sunlight, it’s more than likely that this period of segregation and quarantine adversely impacted many individuals’ general Vitamin D3 levels.

Fortunately, the Perfect Immune supplement is an excellent solution for those who fall under this category.

That’s because, by including Vitamin D3, the Perfect Immune supplement ensures that the body receives the proper amount of calcium and that said calcium is adequately used to ensure that the potential benefits for bone health are actualized too.

Using Perfect Immune

The creators recommend placing 17 drops of the oil on the tongue or mixing it into a favorite beverage or a glass of water. They also recommend monitoring how the body reacts to using the supplement within the first few doses.

Purchase Perfect Immune

Consumers can purchase Perfect Immune on its official website. The creators are offering consumers discounted pricing, one-time purchases, or an option to choose the frequency of the delivery with subscribe and save and a money-back guarantee of 60 days.

Each bottle of Perfect Immune holds 30 servings of the oil or 17 drops using the included dropper.


Currently, the manufacturer is offering a deal on orders for the 3-pack and 6-pack supplement packages. If you’re looking to purchase the 3-pack batch of the supplement, you can expect to receive a 10% discount on your order. And if you’re someone looking to make the wise decision to ante up by stocking up on six bottles of the Perfect Immune supplement for long-term use, then you’ll receive a 20% discount on your order, with shipping calculated at checkout. Perfect Immune prices are as follows:

One-Time purchase Pricing:

  • One Bottle Perfect Immune $29.00
  • Three Bottles Perfect Immune $26.10 Each
  • Six Bottles Perfect Immune $23.20 Each

Subscribe and Save Pricing:

  • One Bottle Perfect Immune $24.65
  • Three Bottles Perfect Immune $66.56 Total
  • Six Bottles Perfect Immune $118.32 Total

If you’re having doubts about whether purchasing this supplement is the right decision for you, the manufacturer provides a 60-day money-back guarantee for all purchases of the Perfect Immune supplement. The company can be reached by phone or by sending an email to:

  • Email Support: support@activationproducts.com
  • Phone Support: 1-866-271-7595

This 60-day money-back guarantee applies:

  1. If you buy the product and it isn’t what you expected (for any reason)
  2. Even if you purchased this product at a discount / on sale
  3. You return the bottle within 60 days of purchase

As stated explicitly by the manufacturer, those that do seek a return on their purchase will receive a 100% refund, no questions.

Considering the tremendous benefits the Perfect Immune supplement provides for bone health and heart health in those who take it, there’s no question that Perfect Immune proves itself to be more than worth the price.



  1. https://blog.encompasshealth.com/2019/08/28/calcium-without-k2-is-a-heartbreaker/
  2. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/what-to-know-about-vitamin-d-and-mental-health
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_metabolism
  4. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/vitamin-d-covid-study
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068797/
  6. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/vitamin-d-and-calcium
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5613455/
  8. https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/calcium-beyond-the-bones
  9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22516724/

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