The 270,500-acre fire has been driven by seemingly nonstop winds and bone-dry conditions over the past two weeks.
In both cases, there are costs, according to a 2010 report.
The State Department alerted travelers to problems with alcohol at Mexican resorts in July.
Rubio, Corker say they will support bill
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
Yet Jones’ victory over Republican Roy Moore also comes as a relief to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Trump’s troubles with Congress just got worse
Omarosa Manigault Newman
Critics said the latest changes show the bulk of the savings from the GOP plan will go to businesses and the wealthy.
New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
GOP’s taxing question
At about 223 pounds and 5 feet, 9 inches in body length, K. biceae was the size of a human man.