The commission is led by Chris Christie.
House Republicans in targeted districts are likely to continue to face tough questions about a deeply unpopular piece of legislation.
Ukraine was quick to deny any efforts to interfere in the election.
Running out of options
Senate Republicans say Trump is wrong in prodding his attorney general.
Cliven Bundy’s trial is scheduled for later this year.
A monthslong investigation also involved the seizure of a young crocodile, three alligator snapping turtles and five diamond back terrapins.
The sudden blanket ban on all transgender troops seemed to take everyone by surprise in its scope.
President Trump has gone after Sessions on Twitter since Saturday, calling him “beleaguered” and “weak.”
Negotiations for him to testify voluntarily broke down.
The 2 million-member American Legion launched a campaign to reduce marijuana restrictions.
The politics were on full display Tuesday.
Mission to Mars