President Donald Trump diverted a naval strike group toward the peninsula last week, led by the USS Carl Vinson.
You just may not have heard.
Perhaps most surprising was Trump’s complete reversal regarding China.
SAN FRANCISCO — The state of Hawaii wants an 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to…
David Dao has retained a high-powered personal injury lawyer.
Spicer’s rendering ignored the horror of the Holocaust, where gas chambers were used.
Both major parties are portraying the race as a harbinger for next year’s midterm elections.
The U.S. military used the latest model Tomahawk cruise missles, which cost about $1.5 million each.
Three red-state Democrats joined 51 Republicans on Friday in supporting Gorsuch.
Trump had weighed the history when he decided to send 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles against the air base.
The attack appeared to involve the use of sarin, a powerful nerve gas.
Under the plan, the visa lottery would end and wealthy visa applicants would pay to become citizens.
Big-name advertisers including BMW, Lexus and Allstate pulled their spots Tuesday.