Benefits to adviser’s father could be in the millions
Looking for possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
For the duration of his Senate confirmation process, Price was unable to kick stories about his stock trades as a Georgia congressman.
The government’s initial concept is for a 30-foot wall.
The wiretapping allegations have hung over the White House for two weeks.
So far the White House appears only too happy to let Ryan carry the load of promoting the bill.
Tucked in the budget blueprint rolled out Thursday is a proposal to hire 20 attorneys to obtain the land and holdings necessary.
Justice Department officials unveiled a 47-count indictment.
Prosecutors are examining whether Fox properly disclosed previous payments.
The documents amount to the first time any of Trump’s federal returns have been disclosed.
The Federal Open Market Committee voted 9-1 to raise the rate 0.25 percentage points to a target between 0.75 percent and 1 percent.
The Hawaii ruling came as two other federal judges considered similar actions.
The order aims to reverse President Barack Obama’s broad approach for addressing climate change.