Here are some moments of interest from the candidates’ time on the stage together:
Here is a look at the four women Trump appeared with Sunday evening in an event that was streamed live on Facebook.
Trump and Clinton did not make any effort to hide their disdain for one another. The two did not even exchange the traditional handshake as they walked onto the stage.
Excerpts from Clinton’s speeches, which she refused to release during her primary contests against Sen. Bernie Sanders, were among more than 2,000 private emails published Friday by the anti-secrecy website Wikileaks.
In an interview with the Washington Post, Trump rejected demands by a growing number of fellow Republicans that he step aside.
Just under half of respondents said “the U.S. is a major threat,” according to the report, marking “the highest percentage among the seven potential threats tested on the survey.”
While Hillary Clinton took a victory lap of sorts, hammering her opponent over his unreleased tax returns, Trump went on Twitter andthe friendly confines of Fox News to declare himself the winner and threaten an escalation of attacks in the next face-to-faceencounter.
The two differed — among many issues — over taxes, the state of the economy and how to mend the country’s fraught race relations.
The campaigns are cagey about preparations as they aim to lower expectations, refusing even to say who they’re using as stand-ins torole-play the other candidate, if anyone.
Putin “wants to restore Russia’s influence in the world to what it was in the Soviet times.”
9/11 families who have pushed for similar legislation for over a decade are not buying the diplomatic reasoning, calling it an excuse.
That findin emerges from the largest study ever to explore a link between anxiety and cancer.
The pilots ejected shortly after takeoff from Beale Air Force Base and moments before the aircraft crashed into a rural area north of Sacramento, according to the Air Force.