The Aberdeen Police Explorers team of Tagg Meneely, Winnie Fruh and Abigail Twibell won third place in the Critical Incident Challenge at the Law Enforcement Explorer Challenge Aug. 1-4 at Camp Rilea in Warrenton, Oregon.
According to the Aberdeen Police Department, there were 187 participants in the challenge from Oregon and Western Washington.
Meneely will be moving on to Central Washington University in the fall to study Business Administration, according to the police department.
With the Aberdeen Police Explorers were advisers Detective Jeff Weiss and Officer Dillon Mitchell, and Aberdeen Police Chief Steve Shumate.
The Camp Rilea Armed Forces Training Facility is located on Highway 101 between Astoria and Seaside on the northern Oregon coast. Camp Rilea’s ranges, training facilities, barracks, mess hall facilities and mock “city” — called a MOUT site, for Military Operations in Urban Terrain — make it a favored training location for law enforcement agencies and military units throughout the Pacific Northwest, according to the event website.