Always ready: Emergency Preparedness Expo runs Saturday

The expo will showcase many ways to protect yourself and those around you

The 8th annual Emergency Preparedness Expo is set for Saturday morning, beginning at 10 a.m. in the parking lot near the Tractor Supply in Aberdeen and running until 2 p.m.

The expo will focus on being ready for any of the natural or man-made disasters that could befall the region, and give guests a chance to interact with some of the organizations who respond to those crises.

“There’s always a lot of interest around tsunamis and earthquakes. There’s been a growing interest in wildfire preparedness,” said Nick Falley, the emergency management program manager with the county’s emergency management department. “We set the date at the expo last year and we’ve been working with all our normal vendors and partners and listening to the community on what they want to learn about at the emergency preparedness expo.”

Raffles, giveaways, information and services will all be happening at the free event, which is open to all.

“We’ll be (giving away) another 100 go-bags this year,” Falley said. “We have other vendors that are participating in our go-bag scavenger hunt.”

Organizations like the sheriff’s office, local fire and police agencies, as well as groups like FEMA and the state’s Department of Natural Resources will all have a presence at the expo, Falley said. Many of those agencies will bring their vehicles and equipment so people can interact with them.

Many of the chiefs and other officers will also take turns on the dunk tank, Falley said.

“The event’s 10-2. It’ll run throughout the event,” Falley said. “There will be different public safety representatives, police chiefs, fire chiefs, our own Hannah Cleverly.”

There will be other events, like a K-9 demonstration at noon, and free raffles throughout the day, Falley said.

Emphasis will be on the easy things people can do to prepare, Falley said.

“Knowing evacuation levels is a huge part of wildfire preparedness. GHC uses a ready-set-go model,” Falley said. “Understanding that ahead of time is key.”

Many agencies will also be emphasizing the value of a go-bag, which is good for any emergency.

“Go bag — it’s an all-hazards tool. It doesn’t have to be a $5,000 purchase,” Falley said. “You start small and just slowly grow and build on it.”

The event will not have refreshments, though there are many food businesses around.

“If people can park on the other side of Tyler Street by T-mobile, that’d be ideal. So we’re not clogging up Tractor Supply,” Falley said. “There is reserved parking for Spooner’s which will be open.”

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or