County’s mass vaccination clinic appointment process changes

The county has changed its mass vaccination site appointment process.

The original online intake form was taken down Friday, March 5, after nearly 26,000 people signed up. Wednesday, Grays Harbor Public Health announced a link on its site,, for people in Phase 1B Tier 1 to schedule an appointment for the Thursday clinic.

“For future events, a new link to schedule vaccine appointments will be posted to Grays Harbor County Public Health’s website one day prior to each mass vaccination clinic,” read a statement from county COVID information officer Maranatha Hay.

Those who have already signed up on the original intake form are still in the mix. County employees will contact people from the original intake form by email, if one was provided, or by phone otherwise when an appointment is available. It is critical for those who signed up on the original intake form to monitor their email frequently for appointment notices.

The new system goes like this: When a clinic is scheduled, a link will be provided on the public health website directing you to an appointment scheduling form. It’s a good idea to follow the public health Facebook page,, for direct links to the form as it becomes available. As appointment times fill up, they disappear from the form. The appointments are first come, first served, and the link will expire 12 hours before that clinic’s first vaccine appointment.

Once you’ve signed up, a confirmation page will appear with an appointment time. A reminder will be emailed 24 hours prior to the appointment.

Vaccination Phase 1B Tier 1 includes people who are 65 years or older; 50 years or older and live in a multigenerational household — for example, a grandparent living with a grandchild; and PreK-12 educators, school staff or licensed childcare workers.

Those in Phase 1A are also eligible: people who work in healthcare settings; medical first responders; community health workers, caregivers or home care aides; and people who live or work in long-term care facilities.

The Grays Harbor Incident Management Team has increased the capacity to answer the community’s vaccine questions by expanding the county’s COVID-19 Resource Center. Questions can be answered at the call center, 360-964-1850, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and weekends and holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.