Daily World employees test positive for COVID

By The Daily World

Three Daily World employees tested positive for COVID-19 this week and the paper is working with local health authorities to establish contact tracing in order to limit exposure to others.

The newspaper office will be closed to walk-in customers for at least the next two weeks, but we’ll be able to assist customers by phone and email and it’s possible to drop off information at the office through the mail slot at the front door.

The employees who tested positive are self-quarantining and the employee initially affected by COVID has not been in the office the past week.

Some employees will be working from home to get the paper out as usual. This will not affect our ability to deliver papers safely and continue to report on the daily news happenings on Grays Harbor.

Daily World management noted that the top priority is the health and safety of employees, and said it also has a responsibility to support the community, those who are vulnerable and the health care providers who are on the front lines of the pandemic.

The World will continue to follow all state and federal guidelines and will continue to monitor the situation closely while working with public health officials.