East Grays Harbor firefighters stop nascent structure fire

One resident was transported for injuries

Firefighters from East Grays Harbor Fire and Rescue responded to a structure fire call on Monte-Brady Road Sunday night, extinguishing a fire indoors before it could grow out of control.

The fire was initially reported as a possible entrapment— a victim unable to get out— said EGHFR Fire Chief Kenny Ward.

“It came in as a structure fire with possible entrapment,” Ward said. “When we got on scene, law had already talked the resident out of the structure.”

The particular residence has been the subject of a number of fire calls in the past, Ward said. Grays Harbor Fire District 2 and Montesano firefighters, including Chief David Busz, assisted with the response, including transporting the resident to Summit Pacific Health.

“We were first on-scene,” Ward said. “We had Monte’s fire chief there and two Monte units. Monte took him to the hospital. He was evaluated for burns.”

The fire itself was restricted to a single room in the house, Ward said.

“Material in the bedroom was set on fire,” Ward said. “We made a quick attack on it. It was a small fire, putting off a lot of smoke.”

The cause hasn’t been determined yet, Ward said.

“At this point we don’t know if it was accidental or purposely set,” Ward said. “The sheriff’s office is investigating.”

Tight quarters inside the structure complicated the response, Ward said.

“Due to the hoarding, it delayed our ability to suppress the fire. People need to be cautious about keeping space clear for fire and EMS,” Ward said. “Your fire load… if you’ve hoarded, you’ve increased your fire load. Fire likes to burn stuff. If you’re hoarding, you’re just putting more fire load in your house.”

Ward also extended his thanks to Montesano and Grays Harbor Fire District 2 for their assistance.

“Thanks to all of our mutual aid responders,” Ward said. “In everybody’s manning shortages, it takes everyone working together to deliver a quality service to our citizens.”

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or michael.lockett@thedailyworld.com.

Firefighters respond to a structure fire near Elma on Sunday evening. (Courtesy photo / EGHFR)

Firefighters respond to a structure fire near Elma on Sunday evening. (Courtesy photo / EGHFR)

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