Empty trailer outside Elma destroyed in fire

The cause is unknown, said the East Grays Harbor fire chief

A trailer in the rural areas northeast of Elma was destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon.

The totality of the destruction precludes being able to establish what caused the fire, said Chief Kenny Ward of East Grays Harbor Fire and Rescue.

“It came in as smoke and flames visible. Trailer on fire,” Ward said in a phone interview. “It was not occupied at the time of the fire.”

Firefighters from East Grays Harbor arrived minutes later, Ward said.

“It was an abandoned trailer and small shed. They’d had trouble with squatters coming and living amongst it,” Ward said. “When we arrived on scene, the roof was on the ground. It had been burning for a while.”

The remote location — off a private road off Bush Creek Road — means that there were few witnesses to see when the fire got started, Ward said.

“There’s only one home further south than it,” Ward said. “It could have been burning for a while before anyone noticed — obviously it was.”

The damage was already substantial when firefighters arrived on scene, Ward said.

“The roof of the trailer was on the ground. At the point we just started knocking out all the fire we had underneath the trailer as best we could. We had to do some salvage and overhaul, trying to peel the roof back to get to the hotspots,” Ward said. “With those mobile homes, it’s all riveted together. When it burns it down, it just falls down on the stuff underneath and acts as an oven.”

Fire crews from District 12 and Montesano also responded, Ward said, including Montesano Fire Chief David Busz. There were concerns about live electricity during the response from an illegal shunt on the grid, but firefighters were able to confine the fire to the trailer and some light external damage to a nearby shed.

“We got there in enough time — the fire hit on the taller trees, but there wasn’t enough continued radiant temperature to cause any more problems,” Ward said. “We got enough water on it.”

Even with recent rain, the burn ban is still in effect, Ward said.

“We’re still under the burn ban under present conditions,” Ward said. “Beware to make sure you’re adhering to the open flame, the burn ban requirements.”

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or michael.lockett@thedailyworld.com.

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