Former Aberdeen mayor arrested after crash

He struck a parked car, leading to his arrest

Erik Larson, a former mayor of Aberdeen was arrested Saturday evening after being involved in a crash.

Larson, 32, was taken into custody for driving under the influence after striking a parked vehicle on West 6th Street in Aberdeen, said Cmdr. Steve Timmons.

“It was Saturday night about 9:23. We had a report of a rollover collision on West Sixth,” Timmons said in an interview. “There was a black F-150 that had struck a parked vehicle that was on its side.”

Larson was exiting through the sunroof of the truck when police arrived, Timmons said. Josh Conway, whose truck Larson struck, said he was at home when the crash occurred, and was alerted by someone else in the house that a crash had occurred.

“The dude hit my truck. It was parked on the side of the street,” Conway said in a phone interview. “He tipped on his side and slid about another fifty feet.”

Officers observed impaired behavior, found that Larson was over the legal limit of alcohol for driving, and detained him, Timmons said. Larson was not injured in the crash, and was cooperative, Timmons said. Conway said his parked vehicle was likely totalled in the crash.

“Don’t drink and drive. Our officers are out there looking for that kind of stuff, regardless of who you are,” Timmons said. “Everyone’s held to the same standard.”

Larson was elected mayor in 2016 at 24 years old, then the youngest mayor of a city of Aberdeen’s size in the state, The Daily World previously reported. Pete Schave followed Larson as mayor four years later, with Douglas Orr currently serving in the position.

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or