Hoquiam City Council approves $1.4M for bike sidewalks

The Hoquiam City Council approved an approximate $1.4 million bid, which will be used to help cyclists in the area find safe passage as they ride through the city.

Brian Shay, Hoquiam’s city administrator, explained how the project will help.

“The biggest improvement I would say is if you go from the intersection of Emerson (Avenue) and Lincoln (Street) to Emerson School … where the sidewalk is on the north side, that will all be replaced. Right now it’s about a five- (or) six-foot sidewalk in different locations. It will all become a 10-foot shared asphalt sidewalk and bike lane.”

Rognlin’s Inc., was the lowest bidder for the project.

“This project received a $1,440,000 Washington State Department of Transportation Safe Routes to Schools Grant and a $361,000 grant from the Washington Transportation (Improvement) Board,” city documents state. “This project is exempt from Washington State Sales Tax.”

City staff also has the ability to negotiate any necessary change orders that may arise on the project.

While Rognlin’s, Inc., had the lowest bid of $1,437,660, it had to compete with two other companies.

The bid Quigg Bros., Inc., made was for $1,786,910. And then Granite Construction Inc., wasn’t far behind with a bid of $2,175,742.

The project bid has a schedule A and schedule B. Shay explained how they’re being paid.

“Schedule A and B are being broken up,” Shay said. “Schedule A is paid for by Safe Routes to Schools Grant and Schedule B is being paid for primarily by the (Washington Transportation Improvement Board) grant.”

The project will be done by the end of September, according to Shay. It will break ground within the next 30 days.

Contact Reporter Matthew N. Wells at matthew.wells@thedailyworld.com.