Hoquiam city council seat vacated

One of the seats for the Hoquiam City Council has been officially vacated, which means there is now an opening for residents in the area who want to run for the Ward 4 seat.

The Hoquiam City Council voted to vacate Maxwell Davis for three consistent, unexcused absences between June 24 and Monday night’s council meeting. According to the city’s website, Ward 4 serves 1,464 people.

Councilor Greg Larsen, who also serves the city’s Ward 4, brought up the resolution. Larsen cited Revised Code of Washington 35A.12.060, during his resolution. The RCW is also called “Vacancy for nonattendance.”

According to the Washington state Legislature website, a council position “shall become vacant if the council member fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the council without being excused by the council.”

Where is Ward 4?

The ward’s perimeters stretch as far west as Buchanan Street, as far north as Upper Grand Avenue, as far east as Hoquiam River’s bend that lays east of Tyler Street, and as far south as state Route 109 and Emerson Avenue.

What happened?

According to Shay, Davis had circumstances that “unfortunately required him to move out of the ward.”

It sounds like Shay will miss having Davis represent the city council.

“He had a lot of great interest in being on the council,” Shay said. “He was a lot younger … and he was really excited to serve, so I know he was disappointed he had to move.

Next steps

Since the council voted to vacate Davis’ seat, anybody who lives in Hoquiam’s Ward 4 and is interested in running for the seat should write a letter to the Hoquiam City Council as to why they’re interested in running for the seat. The city would give 30 days.

“(City Council Secretary) Tracy (Wood) will put an official advertisement in The Daily World,” Shay said.

Shay wasn’t sure what specific day would be the deadline.

“Hopefully people will have sent a letter of interest (by then)” Shay said.

Davis’ replacement would serve the rest of the current term, which ends Dec. 31, 2025.

To view the city’s ward boundary map, go to www.cityofhoquiam.com, click on Menu, Elected Officials and then Hoquiam City Council. The map can be clicked on underneath the photos of the city council members.

Contact Reporter Matthew N. Wells at matthew.wells@thedailyworld.com.