How local legislators voted in Olympia

State lawmakers last week continued to focus on committee action, as a key cutoff deadline for this session approaches this week. Friday is the last day for policy committees to pass bills sent to them by the opposite chamber. Fiscal and transportation committees have until April 2 to move bills onto the floor for consideration by the full House and Senate. In floor action this week, only one bill was debated and voted on by the House, HB 1477, to implement and expand a crisis and suicide hotline system, to be paid for by a new tax on internet voice services.

House Bill 1477, Implementing the national 988 system to enhance and expand behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention services. Passed the House on March 17, 2021 by a vote of 78-18, two members excused.

In October 2020, Congress passed the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020, The act designates the number 988 as the universal telephone number within the United States for accessing the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Hotline system maintained by Lifeline and the Veterans Crisis Line. HB 1477 would require the state Department of Health and state Health Care Authority to establish state crisis call center hubs and an enhanced crisis response system to implement the national 988 system in this state. It would create a 988 Implementation Team and Crisis Response Improvement Strategy Committee to plan for crisis response system enhancements. The bill would impose new taxes and fees on commercial mobile services or Internet protocol-enabled voice services to pay for activities related to an enhanced crisis response.

19th District Rep. Joel McEntire (R) — N

19th District Rep. Jim Walsh (Aberdeen) (R) — N

24th District Rep. Mike Chapman (D) — Y

24th District Rep. Steve Tharinger (D) — Y

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Y = Yes, N = No, E = Excused, X = Not Voting