If your eclipse glasses aren’t damaged, you can use them again in 2024

If you’ve heard rumors the solar filters on eclipse glasses expire after three years, ignore them.

LOS ANGELES — So you gazed at the heavens on Monday, and now you find yourself with a pair or two of paper eclipse glasses and don’t know what to do with them.

As long as the solar filters on your glasses are not scratched, punctured or torn, there is no reason you can’t use them again.

They’ll still be good the next time a total solar eclipse casts a shadow on the planet in July 2019. (That event can be viewed from Chile and Argentina.)

They’ll still be good the next time there’s a total solar eclipse in the U.S. on April 8, 2024.

If you’ve heard rumors that the solar filters on eclipse glasses expire after three years, ignore them. According to NASA, they are fine to use indefinitely as long as they’re in good condition.

Alternatively, the nonprofit organization Astronomers Without Borders will be collecting used solar eclipse glasses to send to schools in South America and Asia, where partial eclipses will be visible next year.

For more information on AWB’s initiative, check out the group’s website or its Facebook page. You can also subscribe to its newsletter.