Miss browsing the Aberdeen library? Starting April 6, first-floor browsing will be back on the table.
“Timberland Regional Library is excited to announce that the Aberdeen Timberland Library is expanding services on April 6 to include browsing on the first floor,” said Library Manager Stephenie Reece. “The library is still offering curbside for those who prefer to remain outside.”
The library will begin with an occupancy limit of 10 people and expand from there, while assessing, adapting, and refining customer service processes, said Reece. Patrons can have up to 45 minutes in the library in this expansion. The time limit to use a computer is 30 minutes. Staff will assist in retrieving collections on the second floor.
“This is Step 2 of our Phase 2 plan,” said Reece. “Timberland Regional Library has received state guidance for Phase 3, and we are assessing and planning our capabilities for the next phase.”
Copy, scan and fax services will resume as well.
“We have worked hard to ensure we have everything in place for our community to have a positive experience re-entering the library after a long time apart,” said Reece.
Hoquiam library
A the Hoquiam library, limited browsing resumed in the downstairs meeting room March 2. Up to 30 minutes of computer use, by appointment, resumed, as did printing, copying, scanning and faxing services. To secure computer time, or to continue to make use of Hoquiam’s library take-out service, call 360-532-1710.