Montesano, Elma schools planning five day a week on-site learning this fall

The Elma and Montesano school districts plan to offer full-day Monday-Friday schedules this fall, with adjustments made to comply with state requirements dealing with social distancing and other safety measures and a full online learning option for families not comfortable with sending kids back to class.


“Tentatively, the district leadership team has drafted a plan that provides Monday-Friday, full day, in person instruction for all grades,” said Elma Superintendent Kevin Acuff. “We believe it is in our students’ best interest across all areas, to be in school; we have developed a comprehensive districtwide plan that addresses the best health, safety and learning practices possible.”

That plan includes:

-Reconfigured classrooms to accommodate desks with 6-foot distances

-Adjusted breakfast and lunch schedule plans

-Reorganized staff teaching assignments to reduce overall class sizes

-Thoroughly sanitize and clean all classrooms and facilities daily

-Personal protective equipment to ensure compliance with state guidelines

-School-issued Chromebooks for all students

“In addition to these, and other related measures, all students and staff will be required to wear face coverings (masks or shields) while on busses and in buildings as outlined in the Reopening Washington Schools publication (from the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction),” said Acuff.

The Elma School District will also be providing a comprehensive online learning program alternative. Families who wish to pursue this option will be asked to register that intent prior to Aug. 7. More information on that option will be made available Friday.

“We appreciate everyone’s understanding as our plans must remain fluid and open to revisions as the pandemic necessitates,” said Acuff. “We believe students learn best with in person instruction. Safety is our highest priority and will always be our first consideration.”

A full list of requirements for students participating in onsite learning is available on the district Facebook page,


Montesano will also have an all-day, five days a week schedule in all three of its buildings – the Junior/Senior High School building and Simpson and Beacon elementary schools – with some modifications and state-mandated requirements.

“Things like face masks are obviously a big one, and a lot of people are commenting on that,” said Superintendent Dan Winter. “It’s not the ideal situation, I admit that, but it is one of the requirements we have to go along with, like health screening every day, physical distancing and making sure we have fewer kids in the classrooms.”

Some start and release times will be modified at each location. At the Junior/Senior High School, the day will be split into three periods, with each class 95 minutes long. Principal Alec Pugh said for the first nine weeks of school, students will have class periods 1-3, then the following nine weeks, periods 3-6, rather than a six period day.

“We’re looking forward to having all the Bulldogs back in the fall,” said Pugh.

Assistant Principal Anne Green said “our greatest priority is your student safety.” Along those lines, there will be two lunch periods for junior high students, separate times for 7th- and 8th-graders. There will be one lunch period for high school students, with additional locations like the stadium at Jack Rottle Field, the library and some classrooms open so kids can eat while maintaining social distancing.

No lockers will be assigned, but students will be allowed backpacks. Hallways will be designated one direction, and congregation will not be allowed in the hallways between classes; when a class ends, students will go directly to the next.

Even kids who are learning onsite will have a digital aspect to their education, with an early release every Wednesday in the district to allow teachers to work on their digital teaching plans, said Winter. There is also a full online option for district students not comfortable with returning to the schools. It’s called the MODEL Program – Montesano Online and Distance Education Learning.

The district has provided short videos detailing the specifics so far at each building in the Montesano School District. Schedules are up for approval at the Thursday school board meeting. To access the videos, and find links to school board meetings, go to or like their Facebook page.