New health clinic opens in Westport

The clinic is open and accepting new patients

Harbor Regional Health’s new family practice clinic opened Wednesday with a ribbon cutting ceremony under a perfect late summer sun.

The clinic will fill a need in the community for a family practice clinic created by the retirement of the medical professionals formerly serving Westport.

“This is a primary care clinic. Family medicine. We can see kids and adults,” said Elizabeth Tschimperle, executive director of Harbor Medical Group, who oversaw the clinic’s opening. “We want to be a presence here in primary care.”

Located in the same building as Westport’s new city hall location, the new clinic required little work to stand up, Tschimperle said, with the state’s medical licensing process taking up the most time.

“We’re starting out a couple days a week. Our hope is to grow to support this community four to five days a week,” Tschimperle said. “I really appreciate the city’s partnership and support in bringing healthcare to Westport.”

Westport City Administrator Kevin Goodrich and former mayor and Harbor Regional Health Commissioner Michael Bruce cut the ceremonial ribbon with the novelty scissors provided by Great Grays Harbor, Inc.

“The closest medical care would be in Aberdeen,” Bruce said, talking about why the need for a local clinic exists. “Homegrown health is always best.”

Now, instead of an hour-plus round trip, Westport residents will be able to get primary care right downtown; the clinic is already accepting new patients, Tschimperle said, with more than a dozen residents coming out to the ceremony and to get on the rolls.

“Our goal is we’re starting two days a week,” Bruce said. “We’ll expand our hours as we add patients.”

Current hours are Wednesday and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., according to a news release from the medical group. Patients can call 1-866-537-2778 to make appointments.

Contact Senior Reporter Michael S. Lockett at 757-621-1197 or

Michael S. Lockett / The Daily World File
Harbor Regional Health CEO Tom Jensen takes part in the ribbon cutting for a new clinic in Westport on Wednesday.

Michael S. Lockett / The Daily World File Harbor Regional Health CEO Tom Jensen takes part in the ribbon cutting for a new clinic in Westport on Wednesday.