Following are developments from Wednesday night’s Aberdeen City Council meeting. Because of presstime constraints, they weren’t reported earlier:
Water charges waived
The council waived water charges to the Grays Harbor Poggie Club for a year, beginning Oct. 1. The club lost a portion of its state funding this year and asked for the roughly $6,000 in annual water charges to be waived to help make up for this year’s shortfall. City staff said the Mayr Brothers Fish Hatchery along the Wishkah River enhances the city’s water filtration plant located downstream from the hatchery runs better with less waste because of its operations.
Ambulance purchase
The council signed off on the fire department’s request to buy a 2017 Dodge 4500 ambulance for about $186,000, plus state tax, to be built by Braun NW Inc. It should be ready in about nine months.
Emergency repairs OK’d
Emergency repairs to the aeration basin at the sewer plant were approved, to be done by Rognlin’s Inc. for $11,400. The work will include repairing damaged concrete and restoring function of the basin outlet valves.
Input sought
Council member Kathi Hoder is interested in input from residents to find out where they would like to see the large Paul Bunyon sign be located in in the city. The sign used to be outside a local drive-in movie theater and is being restored. The Parks Board didn’t agree with the idea to have it sit next the Highway 12 sign that welcomes visitors and urges them to “Come As You Are,” but the council members are open to suggestions about an alternative location.