Last Christmas, the Oakville Fire Department put up a sign with a simple holiday message: “For unto us a Savior is born — Merry Christmas.”
The sign ignited controversy when a single complaint led to its removal, which created an uproar in the community, with people calling for its re-installation. The sign itself was owned by a private entity. However, it stood on fire district property, which created a controversy over whether a sign with a religious message could be displayed on government property.
District No. 1 commissioner Larry Curfman announced Wednesday, that a new sign — with the same message — has been installed in Oakville. This time, however, it will be on private land, owned by the Oakville Assembly of God Church on Highway 12.
“The Oakville Firefighters for Families, a nonprofit group within the department, has purchased a sign with donations given specifically for the installation of a second sign,” said Curfman.