Online event Tuesday for commenting on dam proposal

The Department of Ecology is staging an online event Tuesday to present information about and take comment on the draft state Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project.

It starts at 5 p.m. with a presentation. The agency will begin accepting public comments about 5:45 p.m. Participants will need to register for the event. This can be done online. Here’s how:

Register online at

Tips for attending the event:

If you can, register in advance using the registration web links. This helps make sure you get any software updates taken care of that might be needed for you to attend.

Here are some other important tips:

· The Google Chrome browser is recommended when signing in.

· Plan to join about 10 minutes before the event beings – or at 4:50 p.m.

Presentation is posted online

Those using an Android device or employing an internet browser other than Chrome may experience difficulties. To help, the department has posted the presentation, which be used at the online public events.

Other ways to also provide public comments:

· Use the online comment form found on the EIS website.

· Send your comments by mail to:

SEPA Draft EIS for the Proposed Chehalis Flood Damage Reduction Project

c/o Anchor QEA, LLC

1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 2600

Seattle, WA 98101