Open house details flood control plans in Aberdeen, Hoquiam

North Shore Levee Project to help provide comprehensive flood protection and flood insurance relief

The cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam will host an open house Tuesday regarding the North Shore Levee Project. The gathering starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Rotary Log Pavilion, 1401 Sargent Blvd, Aberdeen.

The North Shore Levee – a proposed system of earthen dikes, floodwalls, raised roadways, and pump stations – is a partnership between the two cities to provide comprehensive flood protection and flood insurance relief. Continuing where Aberdeen’s Southside Levee left off, the North Shore Levee’s target area is bordered by the Hoquiam River on the west, Grays Harbor and the Chehalis River on the south, and the Wishkah River on the east.

This project is the next step toward providing protection for all lowlands in this area. For details about the project, go online and visit, then click on the link for the North Shore Levee Project.