Public Health: Data shows COVID vaccines effective

Numbers in Grays Harbor and Pacific counties strongly indicate COVID-19 vaccines are effective in preventing the onset of the disease, according to public health officials.

“Based on our COVID-19 tracker data, between Jan. 1 and June 30, there were 1,792 cases that were reported in our county, out of which 1,735 were unvaccinated,” said Maranatha Hay, Grays Harbor County Public Health COVID-19 Response Communications Officer. “Around 96.8% of cases were not vaccinated.”

It’s a very similar story in Pacific County, where public health reports that in the last six months, 97% of that county’s cases were reported in unvaccinated people.

“The data is clear: COVID-19 vaccinations are effective at preventing illness,” read a public health statement.

Pacific County Public Health said some people who are fully vaccinated will still get sick as “no vaccine is perfect,” but also said “data suggests that vaccination may make symptoms less severe for those who get COVID-19,” and that “current data also suggests the COVID-19 vaccines offer protection against variants currently spreading in the U.S.”

According to the Washington State Department of Health, the hospital admission rate for unvaccinated people 45-64 years old is 21 times higher than the rate for fully vaccinated people in the same age group. Among people 65 and older, the rate is 15 times higher among unvaccinated people than fully vaccinated people.

Grays Harbor current data

As of July 6, 65,469 vaccines have made it into the arms of Grays Harbor County residents. Just under 60% of the county population age 16 and older has initiated vaccination, and a little more than half is considered fully vaccinated.

Statewide, 67% of the population 16 and older has initiated vaccination, and more than 61% is fully vaccinated.

There were 35 new cases reported the week of June 30-July 7. That is 20 more than were reported the previous week, with an odd jump of 29 new cases reported July 5.

The county’s total pandemic case count is 4,622, with a state numbers adjustment dropping the case count by one. The latest data has the rate per 100,000 population of new cases over a two week period at 79 — the state rate is 67.6.

Grays Harbor Public Health said Monday it will no longer be providing daily COVID updates, switching to weekly reports posted Friday mornings.