The next round of razor clam digs at four beaches have been approved for Oct. 25-28, according to a statement released late Friday by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The agency lists the reason for dig approval as “harvestable numbers of razor clams are available.” The following tides are open to digging:
Oct. 25, Thursday, 7: 55 p.m.; -0.5 feet; Twin Harbors, Copalis
Oct. 26, Friday, 8: 36 p.m.; -0.7 feet; Twin Harbors, Mocrocks
Oct. 27, Saturday, 9: 19 p.m.; -0.7 feet; Twin Harbors, Copalis
Oct. 28, Sunday, 10: 08 p.m.; -0.6 feet; Twin Harbors, Mocrocks
Copalis Beach, which extends from the Grays Harbor north jetty to the Copalis River, and includes Ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas.
Mocrocks Beach, located between the Copalis River and the southern boundary of the Quinault Indian Reservation (just south of the Moclips River) and includes Iron Springs, Roosevelt Beach, Seabrook, Pacific Beach, and Moclips.
Twin Harbors Beach, which extends from Cape Shoalwater to the south jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor.